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Ultracold matter
We investigate the stationary and dynamical behavior of an Anderson localized chain coupled to a single central bound state. Although this coupling partially dilutes the Anderson localized peaks towards nearly resonant sites, the most weight of the original peaks remains unchanged. This leads to multifractal wave functions with a frozen spectrum of fractal dimensions, which is characteristic for localized phases in models with power-law hopping. Using a perturbative approach we identify two different dynamical regimes. At weak couplings to the central site, the transport of particles and information is logarithmic in time, a feature usually attributed to many-body localization. We connect such transport to the persistence of the Poisson statistics of level spacings in parts of the spectrum. In contrast, at stronger couplings the level repulsion is established in the entire spectrum, the problem can be mapped to the Fano resonance, and the transport is ballistic.