Perception of number and space are tightly intertwined. It has been proposed that this is due to 'cortical recycling', where numerosity processing takes over circuits originally processing space. Do such 'recycled' circuits retain their original functionality? Here, we investigate interactions between numerosity and motion direction, two functions that both localize to parietal cortex. We describe a new phenomenon in which visual motion direction adapts nonsymbolic numerosity perception, giving rise to a repulsive aftereffect: motion to the left adapts small numbers, leading to overestimation of numerosity, while motion to the right adapts large numbers, resulting in underestimation. The reference frame of this effect is spatiotopic. Together with the tuning properties of the effect this suggests that motion direction-numerosity cross-adaptation may occur in a homolog of area LIP. 'Cortical recycling' thus expands but does not obliterate the functions originally performed by the recycled circuit, allowing for shared computations across domains.