Free keywords:
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, hep-ph,High Energy Physics - Theory, hep-th
The Conformal Standard Model (CSM) is a minimal extension of the Standard
Model of Particle Physics based on the assumed absence of large intermediate
scales between the TeV scale and the Planck scale, which incorporates only
right-chiral neutrinos and a new complex scalar in addition to the usual SM
degrees of freedom, but no other features such as supersymmetric partners. In
this paper, we present a comprehensive quantitative analysis of this model, and
show that all outstanding issues of particle physics proper can in principle be
solved `in one go' within this framework. This includes in particular the
stabilization of the electroweak scale, `minimal' leptogenesis and the
explanation of Dark Matter, with a small mass and very weakly interacting
Majoron as the Dark Matter candidate (for which we propose to use the name
`minoron'). The main testable prediction of the model is a new and almost
sterile scalar boson that would manifest itself as a narrow resonance in the
TeV region. We give a representative range of parameter values consistent with
our assumptions and with observation.