Free keywords:
FUTURE; WATERGenetics & Heredity; Marine & Freshwater Biology; Ecology; Eukaryotic diversity; Human impact; Metabarcoding; 18S rDNA;
Studying taxonomic and ecological diversity of phytoplankton assemblages is often difficult because morphological analysis cannot provide a complete description of their composition. Therefore, more robust and feasible approaches have to be chosen to elucidate the interactions between environmental and human pressures and phytoplankton assemblages. The Ocean Sampling Day (OSD) allowed collecting seawater samples from a wide range of oceanic regions including the Mediterranean Sea. In this study, a total of 754,167 V4-18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) metabarcodes derived from 20 plankton samples collected at 19 sampling sites across the coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea were analyzed to explore the relationships between phytoplankton assemblages' composition, sub-regional environmental features and human pressures. We reduced the whole set of autotroph plankton (1398 OTUs) to a smaller number of ecologically relevant entities (205 taxa) and used the latter for analysing the structure of phytoplankton assemblages. Chaetoceros was the only genus occurring in all the samples, while the number of taxa was maximum in the W Mediterranean. Based on the assigned OTUs, the structure of E Mediterranean phytoplankton was the most homogeneous. Further, phytoplankton assemblages from the three Mediterranean sub-regions (Western, Adriatic and Eastern) were significantly different (R = 0.25, p = 0.0136) based on Jaccard similarity. We also observed that phytoplankton diversity and human impact on marine ecosystems were not significantly related to each other based on Mantel's test. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.