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Solar and Stellar Interiors
Soon after the discovery of Jupiter-sized planets in extremely close orbits around Sun-like stars, it has been proposed that these "hot Jupiters" cannot have formed in situ but that they must have migrated from the cold, icy regions of the protoplanetary disk at several AU from the star. Competing theories have been put forward as to what stops their inward migration: tidal halting, magnetorotational instabilities that evacuate the close-in protoplanetary disk, planet-disk magnetic interactions, the Kozai mechanism of a distant perturber, planet traps, planet-planet scattering, or high-eccentricity migration. It remained unclear, however, why (1) hot Jupiters pile up near 0.05 AU around sun-like stars (at least in radial velocity surveys), (2) why this pile-up is missing in the Kepler data, (3) why hot Jupiters prevent orbital destruction due to tidal dissipation in the star over billions of years, (4) why the hot Jupiter occurrence rate around sun-like stars is rather low (near 1%). I will present a new star-planet-disk model that reproduces these observations. The key is in the evolution of the star's tidal dissipation efficiency and of its rotation period, the latter of which determines the co-rotation radius beyond which planet migration can be stopped.