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Time dependent processes
The theory of dynamical quantum phase transitions represents an attempt to extend the concept of phase transitions to the far from equilibrium regime. While there are many formal analogies to conventional transitions, it is a major question to which extent it is possible to formulate a nonequilibrium counterpart to a Landau-Ginzburg theory. In this paper we take a first step in this direction by constructing an effective free energy for continuous dynamical quantum phase transitions appearing after quantum quenches in the transverse-field Ising chain. Due to unitarity of quantum time evolution this effective free energy becomes a complex quantity transforming the conventional minimization principle of the free energy into a saddle-point equation in the complex plane of the order parameter, which as in equilibrium is the magnetization. We study this effective free energy in the vicinity of the dynamical quantum phase transition by performing an expansion in terms of the complex magnetization and discuss the connections to the equilibrium case. Furthermore, we study the influence of perturbations and signatures of these dynamical quantum phase transitions in spin correlation functions.