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  Gaia Data Release 2 - mapping the Milky Way disc kinematics

Gaia Collaboration, Katz, D., Antoja, T., Romero-Gómez, M., Drimmel, R., Reylé, C., et al. (2018). Gaia Data Release 2 - mapping the Milky Way disc kinematics. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 616: A11. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201832865.

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Gaia Collaboration, Author              
Katz, D., Author
Antoja, T., Author
Romero-Gómez, M., Author
Drimmel, R., Author
Reylé, C., Author
Seabroke, G. M., Author
Soubiran, C., Author
Babusiaux, C., Author
Di Matteo, P., Author
Figueras, F., Author
Poggio, E., Author
Robin, A. C., Author
Evans, D. W., Author
Brown, A. G. A., Author
Vallenari, A., Author
Prusti, T., Author
de Bruijne, J. H. J., Author
Bailer-Jones, C. A. L., Author
Biermann, M., Author
Eyer, L., AuthorJansen, F., AuthorJordi, C., AuthorKlioner, S. A., AuthorLammers, U., AuthorLindegren, L., AuthorLuri, X., AuthorMignard, F., AuthorPanem, C., AuthorPourbaix, D., AuthorRandich, S., AuthorSartoretti, P., AuthorSiddiqui, H. I., Authorvan Leeuwen, F., AuthorWalton, N. A., AuthorArenou, F., AuthorBastian, U., AuthorCropper, M., AuthorLattanzi, M. G., AuthorBakker, J., AuthorCacciari, C., AuthorCasta n, J., AuthorChaoul, L., AuthorCheek, N., AuthorDe Angeli, F., AuthorFabricius, C., AuthorGuerra, R., AuthorHoll, B., AuthorMasana, E., AuthorMessineo, R., AuthorMowlavi, N., AuthorNienartowicz, K., AuthorPanuzzo, P., AuthorPortell, J., AuthorRiello, M., AuthorTanga, P., AuthorThévenin, F., AuthorGracia-Abril, G., AuthorComoretto, G., AuthorGarcia-Reinaldos, M., AuthorTeyssier, D., AuthorAltmann, M., AuthorAndrae, R., AuthorAudard, M., AuthorBellas-Velidis, I., AuthorBenson, K., AuthorBerthier, J., AuthorBlomme, R., AuthorBurgess, P., AuthorBusso, G., AuthorCarry, B., AuthorCellino, A., AuthorClementini, G., AuthorClotet, M., AuthorCreevey, O., AuthorDavidson, M., AuthorDe Ridder, J., AuthorDelchambre, L., AuthorDell’Oro, A., AuthorDucourant, C., AuthorFernández-Hernández, J., AuthorFouesneau, M., AuthorFrémat, Y., AuthorGalluccio, L., AuthorGarcía-Torres, M., AuthorGonzález-Núñez, J., AuthorGonzález-Vidal, J. J., AuthorGosset, E., AuthorGuy, L. P., AuthorHalbwachs, J.-L., AuthorHambly, N. C., AuthorHarrison, D. L., AuthorHernández, J., AuthorHestroffer, D., AuthorHodgkin, S. T., AuthorHutton, A., AuthorJasniewicz, G., AuthorJean-Antoine-Piccolo, A., AuthorJordan, S., AuthorKorn, A. J., AuthorKrone-Martins, A., AuthorLanzafame, A. C., AuthorLebzelter, T., AuthorLöffler, W., AuthorManteiga, M., AuthorMarrese, P. M., AuthorMartín-Fleitas, J. M., AuthorMoitinho, A., AuthorMora, A., AuthorMuinonen, K., AuthorOsinde, J., AuthorPancino, E., AuthorPauwels, T., AuthorPetit, J.-M., AuthorRecio-Blanco, A., AuthorRichards, P. J., AuthorRimoldini, L., AuthorSarro, L. M., AuthorSiopis, C., AuthorSmith, M., AuthorSozzetti, A., AuthorSüveges, M., AuthorTorra, J., Authorvan Reeven, W., AuthorAbbas, U., AuthorAbreu Aramburu, A., AuthorAccart, S., AuthorAerts, C., AuthorAltavilla, G., AuthorÁlvarez, M. A., AuthorAlvarez, R., AuthorAlves, J., AuthorAnderson, R. I., AuthorAndrei, A. H., AuthorAnglada Varela, E., AuthorAntiche, E., AuthorArcay, B., AuthorAstraatmadja, T. L., AuthorBach, N., AuthorBaker, S. G., AuthorBalaguer-Núñez, L., AuthorBalm, P., AuthorBarache, C., AuthorBarata, C., AuthorBarbato, D., AuthorBarblan, F., AuthorBarklem, P. S., AuthorBarrado, D., AuthorBarros, M., AuthorBarstow, M. A., AuthorBartholomé Muñoz, L., AuthorBassilana, J.-L., AuthorBecciani, U., AuthorBellazzini, M., AuthorBerihuete, A., AuthorBertone, S., AuthorBianchi, L., AuthorBienaymé, O., AuthorBlanco-Cuaresma, S., AuthorBoch, T., AuthorBoeche, C., AuthorBombrun, A., AuthorBorrachero, R., AuthorBossini, D., AuthorBouquillon, S., AuthorBourda, G., AuthorBragaglia, A., AuthorBramante, L., AuthorBreddels, M. A., AuthorBressan, A., AuthorBrouillet, N., AuthorBrüsemeister, T., AuthorBrugaletta, E., AuthorBucciarelli, B., AuthorBurlacu, A., AuthorBusonero, D., AuthorButkevich, A. 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1High Energy Astrophysics, MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_159890              




Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 2018-08-10
 Publication Status: Published online
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: Peer
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201832865
Other: LOCALID: 3006668
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Astronomy & Astrophysics
  Abbreviation : Astron. Astrophys.
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: Les Ulis Cedex : EDP Sciences
Pages: 40 Volume / Issue: 616 Sequence Number: A11 Start / End Page: - Identifier: ISSN: 0004-6361