Condensed Matter, Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics, cond-mat.mes-hall
The theoretical prediction of topological insulators in 2007 triggered tremendous interest. They are of fundamental interest because of their topological twist in k-space, which comes along with unidirectional,
spin-polarized surface-state currents, required for spin-optoelectronics. This property makes topological insulators on one hand perfect materials for optically generated, ultrafast spin-bunches spin-current sources for the generation of THz radiation. On the other hand, those spin-polarized surface-state currents when generated by a voltage lead to large spin Hall effects, or when generated by a temperature gradient to the thermal analogue, the spin Nernst effect. Both mutually convert charge/ heat currents into transverse spin currents leading to spin accumulations. By connecting both research fields, we show the evidence of heat-transport related spin Hall effects that can be extracted from opto-transport experiments. This heat-driven spin Nernst effect drives a transverse spin-current and affects the optical spin-orientation in the three-dimensional topological insulator. This manifests as a modification of the circular polarization-dependent photocurrent. We illuminate the detailed thermocurrent distribution, including the influence of
edges and contacts, in spatially resolved current maps.