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magnetoencephalography, Mismatch Negativity, phoneme frequency, phonological features, underspecification, speech perception, brain imaging, electroencephalography
Pursuing the question of whether there are brain bases for phonological markedness necessitates an empirical and testable approach. This approach – put forward in this chapter – is couched in a theory of phonological feature specification and tested with brain imaging methods, with an emphasis on electrophysiology, encompassing electro- and magnetoencephalographic experiments. After sketching the theoretical background and introducing the basics of the reported brain measures, the chapter contains a review of some electrophysiological findings with their re-interpretation from the point of view of phonological markedness. Furthermore, the feature-approach is contrasted with a proposed reduction of phonological markedness to frequency-of-occurrence relations. Altogether, the review provides some important suggestions and starting points for further looking into the neurobiological reality of phonological markedness.