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  SEIS: Insight’s Seismic Experiment for Internal Structure of Mars

Lognonné, P., Banerdt, W. B., Giardini, D., Pike, W. T., Christensen, U. R., Laudet, P., et al. (2019). SEIS: Insight’s Seismic Experiment for Internal Structure of Mars. Space Science Reviews, 215: 12. doi:10.1007/s11214-018-0574-6.

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Lognonné, P., Author
Banerdt, W. B., Author
Giardini, D., Author
Pike, W. T., Author
Christensen, Ulrich R.1, Author           
Laudet, P., Author
de Raucourt, S., Author
Zweifel, P., Author
Calcutt, S., Author
Bierwirth, Marco1, Author           
Hurst, K. J., Author
Ijpelaan, F., Author
Umland, J. W., Author
Llorca-Cejudo, R., Author
Larson, S. A., Author
Garcia, R. F., Author
Kedar, S., Author
Knapmeyer-Endrun, Brigitte1, Author           
Mimoun, D., Author
Mocquet, A., Author
Panning, M. P., AuthorWeber, R. C., AuthorSylvestre-Baron, A., AuthorPont, G., AuthorVerdier, N., AuthorKerjean, L., AuthorFacto, L. J., AuthorGharakanian, V., AuthorFeldman, J. E., AuthorHoffman, T. L., AuthorKlein, D. B., AuthorKlein, K., AuthorOnufer, N. P., AuthorParedes-Garcia, J., AuthorPetkov, M. P., AuthorWillis, J. R., AuthorSmrekar, S. E., AuthorDrilleau, M., AuthorGabsi, T., AuthorNebut, T., AuthorRobert, O., AuthorTillier, S., AuthorMoreau, C., AuthorParise, M., AuthorAveni, G., AuthorCharef, S. Ben, AuthorBennour, Y., AuthorCamus, T., AuthorDandonneau, P. A., AuthorDesfoux, C., AuthorLecomte, B., AuthorPot, O., AuthorRevuz, P., AuthorMance, D., AuthortenPierick, J., AuthorBowles, N. E., AuthorCharalambous, C., AuthorDelahunty, A. K., AuthorHurley, J., AuthorIrshad, R., AuthorLiu, Huafeng, AuthorMukherjee, A. G., AuthorStandley, I. M., AuthorStott, A. E., AuthorTemple, J., AuthorWarren, T., AuthorEberhardt, M.1, AuthorKramer, A.1, AuthorKühne, W.1, AuthorMiettinen, E.-P.1, AuthorMonecke, M.1, AuthorAicardi, C., AuthorAndré, M., AuthorBaroukh, J., AuthorBorrien, A., AuthorBouisset, A., AuthorBoutte, P., AuthorBrethomé, K., AuthorBrysbaert, C., AuthorCarlier, T., AuthorDeleuze, M., AuthorDesmarres, J. M., AuthorDilhan, D., AuthorDoucet, C., AuthorFaye, D., AuthorFaye-Refalo, N., AuthorGonzalez, R., AuthorImbert, C., AuthorLarigauderie, C., AuthorLocatelli, E., AuthorLuno, L., AuthorMeyer, J.-R., AuthorMialhe, F., AuthorMouret, J. M., AuthorNonon, M., AuthorPahn, Y., AuthorPaillet, A., AuthorPasquier, P., AuthorPerez, G., AuthorPerez, R., AuthorPerrin, L., AuthorPouilloux, B., AuthorRosak, A., Authorde Larclause, I. Savin, AuthorSicre, J., AuthorSodki, M., AuthorToulemont, N., AuthorVella, B., AuthorYana, C., AuthorAlibay, F., AuthorAvalos, O. M., AuthorBalzer, M. A., AuthorBhandari, P., AuthorBlanco, E., AuthorBone, B. D., AuthorBousman, J. C., AuthorBruneau, P., AuthorCalef, F. J., AuthorCalvet, R. J., AuthorD’Agostino, S. A., Authorde Santos, G. los, AuthorDeen, R. G., AuthorDenise, R. W., AuthorErvin, J., AuthorFerraro, N. W., AuthorGengl, H. E., AuthorGrinblat, F., AuthorHernandez, D., AuthorHetzel, M., AuthorJohnson, M. E., AuthorKhachikyan, L., AuthorLin, J. Y., AuthorMadzunkov, S. M., AuthorMarshall, S. L., AuthorMikellides, I. G., AuthorMiller, E. A., AuthorRaff, W., AuthorSinger, J. E., AuthorSunday, C. M., AuthorVillalvazo, J. F., AuthorWallace, M. C., AuthorBanfield, D., AuthorRodriguez-Manfredi, J. A., AuthorRussell, C. T., AuthorTrebi-Ollennu, A., AuthorMaki, J. N., AuthorBeucler, E., AuthorBöse, M., AuthorBonjour, C., AuthorBerenguer, J. L., AuthorCeylan, S., AuthorClinton, J., AuthorConejero, V., AuthorDaubar, I., AuthorDehant, V., AuthorDelage, P., AuthorEuchner, F., AuthorEstève, I., AuthorFayon, L., AuthorFerraioli, L., AuthorJohnson, C. L., AuthorGagnepain-Beyneix, J., AuthorGolombek, M., AuthorKhan, A., AuthorKawamura, T., AuthorKenda, B., AuthorLabrot, P., AuthorMurdoch, N., AuthorPardo, C., AuthorPerrin, C., AuthorPou, L., AuthorSauron, A., AuthorSavoie, D., AuthorStähler, S., AuthorStutzmann, E., AuthorTeanby, N. A., AuthorTromp, J., Authorvan Driel, M., AuthorWieczorek, M., AuthorWidmer-Schnidrig, R., AuthorWookey, J., Author more..
1Department Planets and Comets, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Max Planck Society, ou_1832288              


Free keywords: Mars seismology InSight
 Abstract: By the end of 2018, 42 years after the landing of the two Viking seismometers on Mars, InSight will deploy onto Mars’ surface the SEIS (Seismic Experiment for Internal Structure) instrument; a six-axes seismometer equipped with both a long-period three-axes Very Broad Band (VBB) instrument and a three-axes short-period (SP) instrument. These six sensors will cover a broad range of the seismic bandwidth, from 0.01 Hz to 50 Hz, with possible extension to longer periods. Data will be transmitted in the form of three continuous VBB components at 2 sample per second (sps), an estimation of the short period energy content from the SP at 1 sps and a continuous compound VBB/SP vertical axis at 10 sps. The continuous streams will be augmented by requested event data with sample rates from 20 to 100 sps. SEIS will improve upon the existing resolution of Viking’s Mars seismic monitoring by a factor of ∼2500 at 1 Hz and ∼200000 at 0.1 Hz. An additional major improvement is that, contrary to Viking, the seismometers will be deployed via a robotic arm directly onto Mars’ surface and will be protected against temperature and wind by highly efficient thermal and wind shielding. Based on existing knowledge of Mars, it is reasonable to infer a moment magnitude detection threshold of Mw∼3 at 40∘ epicentral distance and a potential to detect several tens of quakes and about five impacts per year. In this paper, we first describe the science goals of the experiment and the rationale used to define its requirements. We then provide a detailed description of the hardware, from the sensors to the deployment system and associated performance, including transfer functions of the seismic sensors and temperature sensors. We conclude by describing the experiment ground segment, including data processing services, outreach and education networks and provide a description of the format to be used for future data distribution.


Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 2019
 Publication Status: Published online
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: Peer
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1007/s11214-018-0574-6
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Space Science Reviews
  Abbreviation : Space Sci Rev
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 215 Sequence Number: 12 Start / End Page: - Identifier: ISSN: 0038-6308
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/954925446718