In the vicinity of metallic nanostructures, absorption and emission rates of optical emitters can be modulated by several orders of magnitude1,2. Control of such near-field light-matter interaction is essential for applications in biosensing3, light harvesting4 and quantum communication5,6 and requires precise mapping of optical near-field interactions, for which single-emitter probes are promising candidates7-11. However, currently available techniques are limited in terms of throughput, resolution and/or non-invasiveness. Here, we present an approach for the parallel mapping of optical near-field interactions with a resolution of <5 nm using surface-bound motor proteins to transport microtubules carrying single emitters (quantum dots). The deterministic motion of the quantum dots allows for the interpolation of their tracked positions, resulting in an increased spatial resolution and a suppression of localization artefacts. We apply this method to map the near-field distribution of nanoslits engraved into gold layers and find an excellent agreement with finite-difference time-domain simulations. Our technique can be readily applied to a variety of surfaces for scalable, nanometre-resolved and artefact-free near-field mapping using conventional wide-field microscopes.