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Mathematics, Algebraic Topology, Category Theory, Quantum Algebra
We prove the following generalization of a classical result of Adams: for any pointed and connected topological space $(X,b)$, that is not necessarily simply connected, the cobar construction of the differential graded (dg) coalgebra of normalized singular chains in $X$ with vertices at $b$ is weakly equivalent as a differential graded associative algebra (dga) to the singular chains on the
Moore based loop space of $X$ at $b$. We deduce this statement from several more general categorical results of independent interest. We construct a functor $\mathfrak{C}_{\square_c}$ from simplicial sets to categories enriched over cubical sets with connections which, after triangulation of their mapping spaces, coincides with Lurie's rigidification functor $\mathfrak{C}$ from
simplicial sets to simplicial categories. Taking normalized chains of the mapping spaces of $\mathfrak{C}_{\square_c}$ yields a functor $\Lambda$ from simplicial sets to dg categories which is the left adjoint to the dg nerve functor. For any simplicial set $S$ with $S_0=\{x\}$, $\Lambda(S)(x,x)$ is a
dga isomorphic to $\Omega Q_{\Delta}(S)$, the cobar construction on the dg coalgebra $Q_{\Delta}(S)$ of normalized chains on $S$. We use these facts to show that $Q_{\Delta}$ sends categorical equivalences between simplicial sets to maps of connected dg coalgebras which induce quasi-isomorphisms of dga's under the cobar functor.