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  The Compact Linear $e^+e^-$ Collider (CLIC) - 2018 Summary Report

The CLIC collaboration, the CLICdp collaboration, Charles, T. K., Giansiracusa, P. J., Lucas, T. G., Rassool, R. P., et al. (2018). The Compact Linear $e^+e^-$ Collider (CLIC) - 2018 Summary Report. CERN Yellow Rep.Monogr., (1802), 1. Retrieved from https://publications.mppmu.mpg.de/?action=search&mpi=MPP-2018-363.

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The CLIC collaboration1, Author
the CLICdp collaboration1, Author
Charles, T. K.1, Author
Giansiracusa, P. J.1, Author
Lucas, T. G.1, Author
Rassool, R. P.1, Author
Volpi, M.1, Author
Balazs, C.1, Author
Afanaciev, K.1, Author
Makarenko, V.1, Author
Patapenka, A.1, Author
Zhuk, I.1, Author
Collette, C.1, Author
Boland, M. J.1, Author
Abusleme Hoffman, A. C.1, Author
Diaz, M. A.1, Author
Garay, F.1, Author
Chi, Y.1, Author
He, X.1, Author
Pei, G.1, Author
Pei, S.1, AuthorShu, G.1, AuthorWang, X.1, AuthorZhang, J.1, AuthorZhao, F.1, AuthorZhou, Z.1, AuthorChen, H.1, AuthorGao, Y.1, AuthorHuang, W.1, AuthorKuang, Y. P.1, AuthorLi, B.1, AuthorLi, Y.1, AuthorMeng, X.1, AuthorShao, J.1, AuthorShi, J.1, AuthorTang, C.1, AuthorWang, P.1, AuthorWu, X.1, AuthorZha, H.1, AuthorMa, L.1, AuthorHan, Y.1, AuthorFang, W.1, AuthorGu, Q.1, AuthorHuang, D.1, AuthorHuang, X.1, AuthorTan, J.1, AuthorWang, Z.1, AuthorZhao, Z.1, AuthorUggerhøj, U. I.1, AuthorWistisen, T. N.1, AuthorAabloo, A.1, AuthorAare, R.1, AuthorKuppart, K.1, AuthorVigonski, S.1, AuthorZadin, V.1, AuthorAicheler, M.1, AuthorBaibuz, E.1, AuthorBrücken, E.1, AuthorDjurabekova, F.1, AuthorEerola, P.1, AuthorGarcia, F.1, AuthorHaeggström, E.1, AuthorHuitu, K.1, AuthorJansson, V.1, AuthorKassamakov, I.1, AuthorKimari, J.1, AuthorKyritsakis, A.1, AuthorLehti, S.1, AuthorMeriläinen, A.1, AuthorMontonen, R.1, AuthorNordlund, K.1, AuthorÖsterberg, K.1, AuthorSaressalo, A.1, AuthorVäinölä, J.1, AuthorVeske, M.1, AuthorFarabolini, W.1, AuthorMollard, A.1, AuthorPeauger, F.1, AuthorPlouin, J.1, AuthorBambade, P.1, AuthorChaikovska, I.1, AuthorChehab, R.1, AuthorDelerue, N.1, AuthorDavier, M.1, AuthorFaus-Golfe, A.1, AuthorIrles, A.1, AuthorKaabi, W.1, AuthorLeDiberder, F.1, AuthorPöschl, R.1, AuthorZerwas, D.1, AuthorAimard, B.1, AuthorBalik, G.1, AuthorBlaising, J. -J.1, AuthorBrunetti, L.1, AuthorChefdeville, M.1, AuthorDominjon, A.1, AuthorDrancourt, C.1, AuthorGeoffroy, N.1, AuthorJacquemier, J.1, AuthorJeremie, A.1, AuthorKaryotakis, Y.1, AuthorNappa, J. M.1, AuthorSerluca, M.1, AuthorVilalte, S.1, AuthorVouters, G.1, AuthorBernhard, A.1, AuthorBründermann, E.1, AuthorCasalbuoni, S.1, AuthorHillenbrand, S.1, AuthorGethmann, J.1, AuthorGrau, A.1, AuthorHuttel, E.1, AuthorMüller, A. -S.1, AuthorPeiffer, P.1, AuthorPerić, I.1, AuthorSaez de Jauregui, D.1, AuthorEmberger, L.1, AuthorGraf, C.1, AuthorSimon, F.1, AuthorSzalay, M.1, Authorvan der Kolk, N.1, AuthorBrass, S.1, AuthorKilian, W.1, AuthorAlexopoulos, T.1, AuthorApostolopoulos, T.1, AuthorGazis, E. N.1, AuthorGazis, N.1, AuthorKostopoulos, V.1, AuthorKourkoulis, S.1, AuthorHeilig, B.1, AuthorLichtenberger, J.1, AuthorShrivastava, P.1, AuthorDayyani, M. K.1, AuthorGhasem, H.1, AuthorHajari, S. S.1, AuthorShaker, H.1, AuthorAshkenazy, Y.1, AuthorPopov, I.1, AuthorEngelberg, E.1, AuthorYashar, A.1, AuthorAbramowicz, H.1, AuthorBenhammou, Y.1, AuthorBorysov, O.1, AuthorBorysova, M.1, AuthorLevy, A.1, AuthorLevy, I.1, AuthorAlesini, D.1, AuthorBellaveglia, M.1, AuthorBuonomo, B.1, AuthorCardelli, A.1, AuthorDiomede, M.1, AuthorFerrario, M.1, AuthorGallo, A.1, AuthorGhigo, A.1, AuthorGiribono, A.1, AuthorPiersanti, L.1, AuthorStella, A.1, AuthorVaccarezza, C.1, Authorde Blas, J.1, AuthorFranceschini, R.1, AuthorD'Auria, G.1, AuthorDi Mitri, S.1, AuthorAbe, T.1, AuthorAryshev, A.1, AuthorFukuda, M.1, AuthorFurukawa, K.1, AuthorHayano, H.1, AuthorHigashi, Y.1, AuthorHigo, T.1, AuthorKubo, K.1, AuthorKuroda, S.1, AuthorMatsumoto, S.1, AuthorMichizono, S.1, AuthorNaito, T.1, AuthorOkugi, T.1, AuthorShidara, T.1, AuthorTauchi, T.1, AuthorTerunuma, N.1, AuthorUrakawa, J.1, AuthorYamamoto, A.1, AuthorRaboanary, R.1, AuthorLuiten, O. J.1, AuthorStragier, X. F. D.1, AuthorHart, R.1, Authorvan der Graaf, H.1, AuthorEigen, G.1, AuthorAdli, E.1, AuthorLindstrøm, C. A.1, AuthorLillestøl, R.1, AuthorMalina, L.1, AuthorPfingstner, J.1, AuthorSjobak, K. N.1, AuthorAhmad, A.1, AuthorHoorani, H.1, AuthorKhan, W. A.1, AuthorBugiel, S.1, AuthorBugiel, R.1, AuthorFirlej, M.1, AuthorFiutowski, T. A.1, AuthorIdzik, M.1, AuthorMoroń, J.1, AuthorŚwientek, K. P.1, AuthorBrückman de Renstrom, P.1, AuthorKrupa, B.1, AuthorKucharczyk, M.1, AuthorLesiak, T.1, AuthorPawlik, B.1, AuthorSopicki, P.1, AuthorTurbiarz, B.1, AuthorWojtoń, T.1, AuthorZawiejski, L. K.1, AuthorKalinowski, J.1, AuthorNowak, K.1, AuthorŻarnecki, A. F.1, AuthorFiru, E.1, AuthorGhenescu, V.1, AuthorNeagu, A. T.1, AuthorPreda, T.1, AuthorZgura, I. S.1, AuthorAloev, A.1, AuthorAzaryan, N.1, AuthorBoyko, I.1, AuthorBudagov, J.1, AuthorChizhov, M.1, AuthorFilippova, M.1, AuthorGlagolev, V.1, AuthorGongadze, A.1, AuthorGrigoryan, S.1, AuthorGudkov, D.1, AuthorKarjavine, V.1, AuthorLyablin, M.1, AuthorNefedov, Yu.1, AuthorOlyunin, A.1, AuthorRymbekova, A.1, AuthorSamochkine, A.1, AuthorSapronov, A.1, AuthorShelkov, G.1, AuthorShirkov, G.1, AuthorSoldatov, V.1, AuthorSolodko, E.1, AuthorTrubnikov, G.1, AuthorTyapkin, I.1, AuthorUzhinsky, V.1, AuthorVorozhtov, A.1, AuthorZhemchugov, A.1, AuthorLevichev, E.1, AuthorMezentsev, N.1, AuthorPiminov, P.1, AuthorShatilov, D.1, AuthorVobly, P.1, AuthorZolotarev, K.1, AuthorBožović Jelisavčić, I.1, AuthorKačarević, G.1, AuthorMilutinović Dumbelović, G.1, AuthorPandurović, M.1, AuthorRadulović, M.1, AuthorStevanović, J.1, AuthorVukasinović, N.1, AuthorLee, D. -H.1, AuthorAyala, N.1, AuthorBenedetti, G.1, AuthorGuenzel, T.1, AuthorIriso, U.1, AuthorMarti, Z.1, AuthorPerez, F.1, AuthorPont, M.1, AuthorTrenado, J.1, AuthorRuiz-Jimeno, A.1, AuthorVila, I.1, AuthorCalero, J.1, AuthorDominguez, M.1, AuthorGarcia-Tabares, L.1, AuthorGavela, D.1, AuthorLopez, D.1, AuthorToral, F.1, AuthorBlanch Gutierrez, C.1, AuthorBoronat, M.1, AuthorEsperante, D.1, AuthorFullana, E.1, AuthorFuster, J.1, AuthorGarcía, I.1, AuthorGimeno, B.1, AuthorGomis Lopez, P.1, AuthorGonzález, D.1, AuthorPerelló, M.1, AuthorRos, E.1, AuthorVillarejo, M. A.1, AuthorVnuchenko, A.1, AuthorVos, M.1, AuthorBorgmann, Ch.1, AuthorBrenner, R.1, AuthorEkelöf, T.1, AuthorJacewicz, M.1, AuthorOlvegård, M.1, AuthorRuber, R.1, AuthorZiemann, V.1, AuthorAguglia, D.1, AuthorAlabau Gonzalvo, J.1, AuthorAlcaide Leon, M.1, AuthorAlipour Tehrani, N.1, AuthorAnastasopoulos, M.1, AuthorAndersson, A.1, AuthorAndrianala, F.1, AuthorAntoniou, F.1, AuthorApyan, A.1, AuthorArominski, D.1, AuthorArtoos, K.1, AuthorAssly, S.1, AuthorAtieh, S.1, AuthorBaccigalupi, C.1, AuthorBallabriga Sune, R.1, AuthorBanon Caballero, D.1, AuthorBarnes, M. J.1, AuthorBarranco Garcia, J.1, AuthorBartalesi, A.1, AuthorBauche, J.1, AuthorBayar, C.1, AuthorBelver-Aguilar, C.1, AuthorBenot Morell, A.1, AuthorBernardini, M.1, AuthorBett, D. R.1, AuthorBettoni, S.1, AuthorBettencourt, M.1, AuthorBielawski, B.1, AuthorBlanco Garcia, O.1, AuthorBlaskovic Kraljevic, N.1, AuthorBolzon, B.1, AuthorBonnin, X. A.1, AuthorBozzini, D.1, AuthorBranger, E.1, AuthorBrondolin, E.1, AuthorBrunner, O.1, AuthorBuckland, M.1, AuthorBursali, H.1, AuthorBurkhardt, H.1, AuthorCaiazza, D.1, AuthorCalatroni, S.1, AuthorCampbell, M.1, AuthorCatalan Lasheras, N.1, AuthorCassany, B.1, AuthorCastro, E.1, AuthorCavaleiro Soares, R. H.1, AuthorCerqueira Bastos, M.1, AuthorCherif, A.1, AuthorChevallay, E.1, AuthorCilento, V.1, AuthorCorsini, R.1, AuthorCosta, R.1, AuthorCure, B.1, AuthorCurt, S.1, AuthorDal Gobbo, A.1, AuthorDannheim, D.1, AuthorDaskalaki, E.1, AuthorDeacon, L.1, AuthorDegiovanni, A.1, AuthorDe Michele, G.1, AuthorDe Oliveira, L.1, AuthorDel Pozo Romano, V.1, AuthorDelahaye, J. P.1, AuthorDelikaris, D.1, AuthorDias de Almeida, P. G.1, AuthorDobers, T.1, AuthorDoebert, S.1, AuthorDoytchinov, I.1, AuthorDraper, M.1, AuthorDuarte Ramos, F.1, AuthorDuquenne, M.1, AuthorEgidos Plaja, N.1, AuthorElsener, K.1, AuthorEsberg, J.1, AuthorEsposito, M.1, AuthorEvans, L.1, AuthorFedosseev, V.1, AuthorFerracin, P.1, AuthorFiergolski, A.1, AuthorForaz, K.1, AuthorFowler, A.1, AuthorFriebel, F.1, AuthorFuchs, J-F.1, AuthorGaddi, A.1, AuthorGamba, D.1, AuthorGarcia Fajardo, L.1, AuthorGarcia Morales, H.1, AuthorGarion, C.1, AuthorGasior, M.1, AuthorGatignon, L.1, AuthorGayde, J-C.1, AuthorGerbershagen, A.1, AuthorGerwig, H.1, AuthorGiambelli, G.1, AuthorGilardi, A.1, AuthorGoldblatt, A. N.1, AuthorGonzalez Anton, S.1, AuthorGrefe, C.1, AuthorGrudiev, A.1, AuthorGuerin, H.1, AuthorGuillot-Vignot, F. G.1, AuthorGutt-Mostowy, M. L.1, AuthorHein Lutz, M.1, AuthorHessler, C.1, AuthorHolma, J. K.1, AuthorHolzer, E. B.1, AuthorHourican, M.1, AuthorHynds, D.1, AuthorIkarios, E.1, AuthorInntjore Levinsen, Y.1, AuthorJanssens, S.1, AuthorJeff, A.1, AuthorJensen, E.1, AuthorJonker, M.1, AuthorKamugasa, S. W.1, AuthorKastriotou, M.1, AuthorKemppinen, J. M. K.1, AuthorKhan, V.1, AuthorKieffer, R. B.1, AuthorKlempt, W.1, AuthorKokkinis, N.1, AuthorKossyvakis, I.1, AuthorKostka, Z.1, AuthorKorsback, A.1, AuthorKoukovini Platia, E.1, AuthorKovermann, J. W.1, AuthorKozsar, C-I.1, AuthorKremastiotis, I.1, AuthorKröger, J.1, AuthorKulis, S.1, AuthorLatina, A.1, AuthorLeaux, F.1, AuthorLebrun, P.1, AuthorLefevre, T.1, AuthorLeogrande, E.1, AuthorLinssen, L.1, AuthorLiu, X.1, AuthorLlopart Cudie, X.1, AuthorMagnoni, S.1, AuthorMaidana, C.1, AuthorMaier, A. A.1, AuthorMainaud Durand, H.1, AuthorMallows, S.1, AuthorManosperti, E.1, AuthorMarelli, C.1, AuthorMarin Lacoma, E.1, AuthorMarsh, S.1, AuthorMartin, R.1, AuthorMartini, I.1, AuthorMartyanov, M.1, AuthorMazzoni, S.1, AuthorMcmonagle, G.1, AuthorMether, L. M.1, AuthorMeynier, C.1, AuthorModena, M.1, AuthorMoilanen, A.1, AuthorMondello, R.1, AuthorMoniz Cabral, P. B.1, AuthorMouriz Irazabal, N.1, AuthorMunker, M.1, AuthorMuranaka, T.1, AuthorNadenau, J.1, AuthorNavarro, J. G.1, AuthorNavarro Quirante, J. L.1, AuthorNebo Del Busto, E.1, AuthorNikiforou, N.1, AuthorNinin, P.1, AuthorNonis, M.1, AuthorNisbet, D.1, AuthorNuiry, F. X.1, AuthorNürnberg, A.1, AuthorÖgren, J.1, AuthorOsborne, J.1, AuthorOuniche, A. C.1, AuthorPan, R.1, AuthorPapadopoulou, S.1, AuthorPapaphilippou, Y.1, AuthorParaskaki, G.1, AuthorPastushenko, A.1, AuthorPassarelli, A.1, AuthorPatecki, M.1, AuthorPazdera, L.1, AuthorPellegrini, D.1, AuthorPepitone, K.1, AuthorPerez Codina, E.1, AuthorPerez Fontenla, A.1, AuthorPersson, T. H. B.1, AuthorPetrič, M.1, AuthorPitman, S.1, AuthorPitters, F.1, AuthorPittet, S.1, AuthorPlassard, F.1, AuthorPopescu, D.1, AuthorQuast, T.1, AuthorRajamak, R.1, AuthorRedford, S.1, AuthorRemandet, L.1, AuthorRenier, Y.1, AuthorRey, S. F.1, AuthorRey Orozco, O.1, AuthorRiddone, G.1, AuthorRodriguez Castro, E.1, AuthorRoloff, P.1, AuthorRossi, C.1, AuthorRossi, F.1, AuthorRude, V.1, AuthorRuehl, I.1, AuthorRumolo, G.1, AuthorSailer, A.1, AuthorSandomierski, J.1, AuthorSantin, E.1, AuthorSanz, C.1, AuthorSauza Bedolla, J.1, AuthorSchnoor, U.1, AuthorSchmickler, H.1, AuthorSchulte, D.1, AuthorSenes, E.1, AuthorSerpico, C.1, AuthorSeverino, G.1, AuthorShipman, N.1, AuthorSicking, E.1, AuthorSimoniello, R.1, AuthorSkowronski, P. K.1, AuthorSobrino Mompean, P.1, AuthorSoby, L.1, AuthorSollander, P.1, AuthorSolodko, A.1, AuthorSosin, M. P.1, AuthorSpannagel, S.1, AuthorSroka, S.1, AuthorStapnes, S.1, AuthorSterbini, G.1, AuthorStern, G.1, AuthorStröm, R.1, AuthorStuart, M. J.1, AuthorSyratchev, I.1, AuthorSzypula, K.1, AuthorTecker, F.1, AuthorThonet, P. A.1, AuthorThrane, P.1, AuthorTimeo, L.1, AuthorTiirakari, M.1, AuthorTomas Garcia, R.1, AuthorTomoiaga, C. I.1, AuthorValerio, P.1, AuthorVaňát, T.1, AuthorVamvakas, A. L.1, AuthorVan Hoorne, J.1, AuthorViazlo, O.1, AuthorVicente Barreto Pinto, M.1, AuthorVitoratou, N.1, AuthorVlachakis, V.1, AuthorWeber, M. A.1, AuthorWegner, R.1, AuthorWendt, M.1, AuthorWidorski, M.1, AuthorWilliams, O. E.1, AuthorWilliams, M.1, AuthorWoolley, B.1, AuthorWuensch, W.1, AuthorWulzer, A.1, AuthorUythoven, J.1, AuthorXydou, A.1, AuthorYang, R.1, AuthorZelios, A.1, AuthorZhao, Y.1, AuthorZisopoulos, P.1, AuthorBenoit, M.1, AuthorSultan, D M S1, AuthorRiva, F.1, AuthorBopp, M.1, AuthorBraun, H. H.1, AuthorCraievich, P.1, AuthorDehler, M.1, AuthorGarvey, T.1, AuthorPedrozzi, M.1, AuthorRaguin, J. Y.1, AuthorRivkin, L.1, AuthorZennaro, R.1, AuthorGuillaume, S.1, AuthorRothacher, M.1, AuthorAksoy, A.1, AuthorNergiz, Z.1, AuthorYavas, Ö.1, AuthorDenizli, H.1, AuthorKeskin, U.1, AuthorOyulmaz, K. Y.1, AuthorSenol, A.1, AuthorCiftci, A. K.1, AuthorBaturin, V.1, AuthorKarpenko, O.1, AuthorKholodov, R.1, AuthorLebed, O.1, AuthorLebedynskyi, S.1, AuthorMordyk, S.1, AuthorMusienko, I.1, AuthorProfatilova, Ia.1, AuthorStorizhko, V.1, AuthorBosley, R. R.1, AuthorPrice, T.1, AuthorWatson, M. F.1, AuthorWatson, N. K.1, AuthorWinter, A. G.1, AuthorGoldstein, J.1, AuthorGreen, S.1, AuthorMarshall, J. S.1, AuthorThomson, M. A.1, AuthorXu, B.1, AuthorYou, T.1, AuthorGillespie, W. A.1, AuthorSpannowsky, M.1, AuthorBeggan, C.1, AuthorMartin, V.1, AuthorZhang, Y.1, AuthorProtopopescu, D.1, AuthorRobson, A.1, AuthorApsimon, R. J.1, AuthorBailey, I.1, AuthorBurt, G. C.1, AuthorDexter, A. C.1, AuthorEdwards, A. V.1, AuthorHill, V.1, AuthorJamison, S.1, AuthorMillar, W. L.1, AuthorPapke, K.1, AuthorCasse, G.1, AuthorVossebeld, J.1, AuthorAumeyr, T.1, AuthorBergamaschi, M.1, AuthorBobb, L.1, AuthorBosco, A.1, AuthorBoogert, S.1, AuthorBoorman, G.1, AuthorCullinan, F.1, AuthorGibson, S.1, AuthorKarataev, P.1, AuthorKruchinin, K.1, AuthorLekomtsev, K.1, AuthorLyapin, A.1, AuthorNevay, L.1, AuthorShields, W.1, AuthorSnuverink, J.1, AuthorTowler, J.1, AuthorYamakawa, E.1, AuthorBoisvert, V.1, AuthorWest, S.1, AuthorJones, R.1, AuthorJoshi, N.1, AuthorBett, D.1, AuthorBodenstein, R. M.1, AuthorBromwich, T.1, AuthorBurrows, P. N.1, AuthorChristian, G. B.1, AuthorGohil, C.1, AuthorKorysko, P.1, AuthorPaszkiewicz, J.1, AuthorPerry, C.1, AuthorRamjiawan, R.1, AuthorRoberts, J.1, AuthorCoates, T.1, AuthorSalvatore, F.1, AuthorBainbridge, A.1, AuthorClarke, J. A.1, AuthorKrumpa, N.1, AuthorShepherd, B. J. A.1, AuthorWalsh, D.1, AuthorChekanov, S.1, AuthorDemarteau, M.1, AuthorGai, W.1, AuthorLiu, W.1, AuthorMetcalfe, J.1, AuthorPower, J.1, AuthorRepond, J.1, AuthorWeerts, H.1, AuthorXia, L.1, AuthorZhang, J.1, AuthorZupan, J.1, AuthorWells, J. D.1, AuthorZhang, Z.1, AuthorAdolphsen, C.1, AuthorBarklow, T.1, AuthorDolgashev, V.1, AuthorFranzi, M.1, AuthorGraf, N.1, AuthorHewett, J.1, AuthorKemp, M.1, AuthorKononenko, O.1, AuthorMarkiewicz, T.1, AuthorMoffeit, K.1, AuthorNeilson, J.1, AuthorNosochkov, Y.1, AuthorOriunno, M.1, AuthorPhinney, N.1, AuthorRizzo, T.1, AuthorTantawi, S.1, AuthorWang, J.1, AuthorWeatherford, B.1, AuthorWhite, G.1, AuthorWoodley, M.1, Author more..
1Max Planck Institute for Physics, Max Planck Society and Cooperation Partners, ou_2253650              


Free keywords: ILC
 Abstract: The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear $e^+e^-$ collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept has been refined using improved software tools. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations and parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25-30 years.


 Dates: 2018
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: -
 Degree: -



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Title: CERN Yellow Rep.Monogr.
  Alternative Title : CERN Yellow Rep.Monogr.
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: -
Pages: - Volume / Issue: (1802) Sequence Number: - Start / End Page: 1 Identifier: -