Theoretical Physics
We consider a 5-dimensional Chern-Simons gauge theory for the isometry group of Anti-de-Sitter spacetime, $\operatorname{AdS}_{4+1}\simeq\operatorname{SO}(4,2)$, and invoke different dimensional reduction schemes in order to relate it to 4-dimensional spin-2 theories. The AdS gauge algebra is isomorphic to a parametrized 4-dimensional conformal algebra, and the gauge fields corresponding to the generators of non-Abelian translations and special conformal transformations reduce to two vierbein fields in $D=4$. Besides these two vierbeine, our reduction schemes leave only the Lorentz spin connection as an additional dynamical field in the 4-dimensional theories. We identify the corresponding actions as particular generalizations of Einstein-Cartan theory, conformal gravity and ghost-free bimetric gravity in first-order form.