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In the year 1965 and, in addition, in the year 1967 more than 3200 fish specimens
could be collected in rain-forest-streams of the central Amazon region. From them, the
stomach contents of 1296 fishes were examined.
In 49 fish species (22 Characoidei, 6 Gymnotoidei, 3 Siluriformes, I Rivulidae, and
16 Cichlidae) the stomach contents were enumerated by the number method, the volume
method, and the occurrence method.
The food supply was characterized by 24 food items differentiated.
These stomach contents were discussed from various points of views.
Insect larvae and vegetable remains were essential to the diets o1'the fishes.
The number of those species ingesting ants (and other terrestrial insects) wás large
(13 species).
Distinct specialists in food ingestiori are not present in the material examined.
The stomach contents of the various families were rather uniform, because most
species indicate a more or less great variability in food selected.
Neither the structure of the snout and denture, nor the morphological structure of
the alimentary canal, nor even the intestinal ratio can be used as indices to the feeding
habits. The ingestion of food was not different in spite of limnologically differentiated
localities, nor were the stomach contents related to the time of sampling (May, July,
The fishes fi.nd their food in the whole living space, even those fishes which appear
to be adapted to certain zones in the stream.
Differentiation in stomach contents according to age of fi.shes did not merit close
In the knowledge of the food of a series of fishes another factor was given whose role
in the interdependent fluctuaticins of waters and landscape can only be interpreted for
the being time.
The food supply was interpreted as sufficient related to the results of the investigations
of stomach contents and other tropical conditions of the central Amazon region.
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