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  Associations between anxiety, body mass index, and sex hormones in women

Stanikova, D., Luck, T., Pabst, A., Bae, Y. J., Hinz, A., Glaesmer, H., et al. (2019). Associations between anxiety, body mass index, and sex hormones in women. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10: 479. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00479.

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Stanikova, Daniela1, 2, 3, Autor
Luck, Tobias4, 5, Autor
Pabst, Alexander1, Autor
Bae, Yoon Ju6, Autor
Hinz, Andreas7, Autor
Glaesmer, Heide7, Autor
Stanik, Juraj2, 3, 8, Autor
Sacher, Julia9, 10, 11, Autor           
Engel, Christoph5, 12, Autor
Enzenbach, Cornelia5, 12, Autor
Wirkner, Kerstin5, Autor
Ceglarek, Uta5, 6, Autor
Thiery, Joachim5, 6, Autor
Kratzsch, Juergen6, Autor
Riedel-Heller, Steffi G.1, Autor
1Institute of Social Medicine, Occupational Health and Public Health (ISAP), University Hospital Leipzig, Germany, ou_persistent22              
2Biomedical Research Center, Institute of Experimental Endocrinology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia, ou_persistent22              
3Department of Pediatrics, Medical Faculty, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, ou_persistent22              
4Department of Economic & Social Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Nordhausen, Germany, ou_persistent22              
5Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases (LIFE), University of Leipzig, Germany, ou_persistent22              
6Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics (ILM), University of Leipzig, Germany, ou_persistent22              
7Department of Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology, University of Leipzig, Germany, ou_persistent22              
8Center for Pediatric Research Leipzig (CPL), University Hospital Leipzig, Germany, ou_persistent22              
9Department Neurology, MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Max Planck Society, ou_634549              
10Minerva Research Group EGG (Emotion & neuroimaGinG) Lab, MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Max Planck Society, ou_3230775              
11Clinic for Cognitive Neurology, University of Leipzig, Germany, ou_persistent22              
12Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology (IMISE), University of Leipzig, Germany, ou_persistent22              


Schlagwörter: Anxiety; Body mass index; Obesity; Sex hormones; Testosterone; Estrogen; Women
 Zusammenfassung: Background: Several studies have shown a positive association between anxiety and obesity, particularly in women. We aimed to study whether sex hormone alterations related to obesity might play a role in this association.

Patients and methods: Data for this study were obtained from a population-based cohort study (the LIFE-Adult-Study). A total of 3,124 adult women (970 premenopausal and 2,154 postmenopausal) were included into the analyses. The anxiety symptomatology was assessed using the GAD-7 questionnaire (cut-off ≥ 10 points). Sex hormones were measured from fasting serum samples.

Results: We did not find significant differences in anxiety prevalence in premenopausal obese women compared with normal-weight controls (4.8% vs. 5.5%). Both obesity and anxiety symptomatology were separately associated with the same sex hormone alteration in premenopausal women: higher total testosterone level (0.97 ± 0.50 in obese vs. 0.86 ± 0.49 nmol/L in normal-weight women, p = 0.026 and 1.04 ± 0.59 in women with vs. 0.88 ± 0.49 nmol/L in women without anxiety symptomatology, p = 0.023). However, women with anxiety symptomatology had non-significantly higher estradiol levels than women without anxiety symptomatology (548.0 ± 507.6 vs. 426.2 ± 474.0 pmol/L), whereas obesity was associated with lower estradiol levels compared with those in normal-weight group (332.7 ± 386.5 vs. 470.8 ± 616.0 pmol/L). Women with anxiety symptomatology had also significantly higher testosterone and estradiol composition (p = 0.006). No associations of sex hormone levels and BMI with anxiety symptomatology in postmenopausal women were found.

Conclusions: Although both obesity and anxiety symptomatology were separately associated with higher testosterone level, there was an opposite impact of anxiety and obesity on estradiol levels in premenopausal women. We did not find an evidence that the sex hormone alterations related to obesity are playing a significant role in anxiety symptomatology in premenopausal women. This could be the explanation why we did not find an association between obesity and anxiety. In postmenopausal women, other mechanisms seem to work than in the premenopausal group.


Sprache(n): eng - English
 Datum: 2019-04-192019-06-182019-07-04
 Publikationsstatus: Online veröffentlicht
 Seiten: -
 Ort, Verlag, Ausgabe: -
 Inhaltsverzeichnis: -
 Art der Begutachtung: Expertenbegutachtung
 Identifikatoren: DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00479
PMID: 31333520
PMC: PMC6620895
Anderer: eCollection 2019
 Art des Abschluß: -






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Projektname : -
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Förderorganisation : LIFE – Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases, University of Leipzig
Projektname : -
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Förderorganisation : European Union (EU)
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Förderprogramm : European Regional Development Fund
Förderorganisation : European Commission (EC)
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Förderorganisation : Free State of Saxony
Projektname : -
Grant ID : -
Förderprogramm : European Social Fund
Förderorganisation : European Commission (EC)
Projektname : -
Grant ID : 01EO1501
Förderprogramm : -
Förderorganisation : IFB Adiposity Diseases, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Projektname : -
Grant ID : -
Förderprogramm : Research Fellowship
Förderorganisation : European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology (ESPE)
Projektname : -
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Förderorganisation : German Research Foundation (DFG)
Projektname : -
Grant ID : -
Förderprogramm : Open Access Publishing
Förderorganisation : University Leipzig

Quelle 1

Titel: Frontiers in Psychiatry
  Kurztitel : Front Psychiatry
Genre der Quelle: Zeitschrift
Ort, Verlag, Ausgabe: Lausanne, Switzerland : Frontiers Research Foundation
Seiten: - Band / Heft: 10 Artikelnummer: 479 Start- / Endseite: - Identifikator: ISSN: 1664-0640