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Using aquatic macrophyte data gathered in three lagoons of the Paraná River floodplain we showed a
strong effect of sample size on species richness. Incidence-based species richness estimators (Chao 2,
jackknife 1, jackknife 2, incidence-based coverage estimator and bootstrap) were compared to evaluate
their performance in estimating the species richness throughout transect sampling rnethod. Our results
suggest that the best estimate of the species richness was gave by jackknife 2 estimator. Nevertheless, the
transect sampling design was considered inappropriate to estimate aquatic macrophytes species richness.
Depth gradient was not a good predictor of the species richness and species turnover (beta diversity). The
dynamics of these environments, subject to high water-level fluctuation prevents the formation and
permanence of a clear floristic depth-related gradient.