The energetic electron spectra of Saturn's radiation belts are studied using Cassini's 13 years of measurements by the Magnetosphere Imaging Instrument/Low Energy Magnetospheric Measurement System detector. We find that between L shells (L) of 10 and 4.5 the differential flux spectrum of 0.3‐ to 1.6‐MeV electrons evolves from a single power law to two power law functions separated at an energy cutoff (Ec). We show that inside L∼8, Ec has an L shell dependence that tracks consistently the energy of corotation drift cancelation (or resonance) ECDR, that is, the energy at which magnetic electron drifts and azimuthal corotation cancel, and is not associated with the absorbing effects of Saturn's moons. Ec also deviates from what conservation of the first adiabatic invariant would dictate. Our results verify that electrons around ECDR can be transported radially very efficiently by variable convective flows, such as those related to the noon‐midnight electric field in Saturn's magnetosphere.