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  H.E.S.S. and Suzaku observations of the Vela X pulsar wind nebula

Collaboration, H. E. S. S., Abdalla, H., Adam, R., Aharonian, F., Ait Benkhali, F., Angüner, E. O., et al. (2019). H.E.S.S. and Suzaku observations of the Vela X pulsar wind nebula. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 627: A100. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201935458.

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Collaboration, H. E. S. S., Author
Abdalla, H., Author
Adam, R., Author
Aharonian, F.1, Author           
Ait Benkhali, Faical1, Author           
Angüner, E. O., Author
Arakawa, M., Author
Arcaro, C., Author
Armand, C., Author
Ashkar, H., Author
Backes, M., Author
Martins, V. Barbosa, Author
Barnard, M., Author
Becherini, Y., Author
Berge, D., Author
Bernloehr, K.2, Author           
Blackwell, R., Author
Böttcher, M., Author
Boisson, C., Author
Bolmont, J., Author
Bonnefoy, S., AuthorBregeon, J., AuthorBreuhaus, M., AuthorBrun, F., AuthorBrun, P., AuthorBryan, M., AuthorBüchele, M., AuthorBulik, T., AuthorBylund, T., AuthorCapasso, M., AuthorCaroff, S., AuthorCarosi, A., AuthorCasanova, S.1, Author           Cerruti, M., AuthorChand, T., AuthorChandra, S., AuthorChen, A., AuthorColafrancesco, S., AuthorCurylo, M., AuthorDavids, I. D., AuthorDeil, C.2, Author           Devin, J., AuthordeWilt, P., AuthorDirson, L., AuthorDjannati-Atai, A., AuthorDmytriiev, A., AuthorDonath, A., Author           Doroshenko, V., AuthorDrury, L. O'C., AuthorDyks, J., AuthorEgberts, K., AuthorEmery, G., AuthorErnenwein, J. -P., AuthorEschbach, S., AuthorFeijen, K., AuthorFegan, S., AuthorFiasson, A., AuthorFontaine, G., AuthorFunk, S., AuthorFüßling, M., AuthorGabici, S., AuthorGallant, Y. A., AuthorGate, F., AuthorGiavitto, G., AuthorGlawion, D., AuthorGlicenstein, J. F., AuthorGottschall, D., AuthorGrondin, M. -H., AuthorHahn, Joachim2, Author           Haupt, M., AuthorHeinzelmann, G., AuthorHenri, G., AuthorHermann, G.2, Author           Hinton, J. A.2, Author           Hofmann, W.1, Author           Hoischen, C., AuthorHolch, T. L., AuthorHoller, M., AuthorHorns, D., AuthorHuber, D., AuthorIwasaki, H., AuthorJamrozy, M., AuthorJankowsky, D., AuthorJankowsky, F., AuthorJardin-Blicq, A.2, Author           Jung-Richardt, I., AuthorKastendieck, M. A., AuthorKatarzynski, K., AuthorKatsuragawa, M., AuthorKatz, U., AuthorKhangulyan, D., AuthorKhelifi, B., AuthorKing, J., AuthorKlepser, S., AuthorKluzniak, W., AuthorKomin, Nu., AuthorKosack, K., AuthorKostunin, D., AuthorKraus, M., AuthorLamanna, G., AuthorLau, J., AuthorLemiere, A., AuthorLemoine-Goumard, M., AuthorLenain, J. -P., AuthorLeser, E., AuthorLevy, C., AuthorLohse, T., AuthorLypova, I., AuthorMackey, J., AuthorMajumdar, J., AuthorMalyshev, D., AuthorMarandon, Vincent2, Author           Marcowith, A., AuthorMares, A., AuthorMariaud, C., AuthorMarti-Devesa, G., AuthorMarx, Ramin2, Author           Maurin, G., AuthorMeintjes, P. J., AuthorMitchell, A. M. W., AuthorModerski, R., AuthorMohamed, M., AuthorMohrmann, L., AuthorMoore, C., AuthorMoulin, E., AuthorMuller, J., AuthorMurach, T., AuthorNakashima, S., Authorde Naurois, M., AuthorNdiyavala, H., AuthorNiederwanger, F., AuthorNiemiec, J., AuthorOakes, L., AuthorO'Brien, P., AuthorOdaka, H., AuthorOhm, S., AuthorWilhelmi, E. de Ona, AuthorOstrowski, M., AuthorOya, I., AuthorPanter, M.1, Author           Parsons, R. D.2, Author           Perennes, C., AuthorPetrucci, P. -O., AuthorPeyaud, B., AuthorPiel, Q., AuthorPita, S., AuthorPoireau, V., AuthorNoel, A. Priyana, AuthorProkhorov, D. A., AuthorProkoph, H., AuthorPühlhofer, G., AuthorPunch, M., AuthorQuirrenbach, A., AuthorRaab, S., AuthorRauth, R., AuthorReimer, A., AuthorReimer, O., AuthorRemy, Q., AuthorRenaud, M., AuthorRieger, F.1, Author           Rinchiuso, L., AuthorRomoli, C., AuthorRowell, G., AuthorRudak, B., AuthorRuiz Velasco, Edna L.2, Author           Sahakian, V., AuthorSaito, S., AuthorSanchez, D. A., AuthorSantangelo, A., AuthorSasaki, M., AuthorSchlickeiser, R., AuthorSchüssler, F., AuthorSchulz, A., AuthorSchutte, H., AuthorSchwanke, U., AuthorSchwemmer, S., AuthorSeglar-Arroyo, M., AuthorSenniappan, M., AuthorSeyffert, A. S., AuthorShafi, N., AuthorShiningayamwe, K., AuthorSimoni, R., AuthorSinha, A., AuthorSol, H., AuthorSpecovius, A., AuthorSpir-Jacob, M., AuthorStawarz, L., AuthorSteenkamp, R., AuthorStegmann, C., AuthorSteppa, C., AuthorTakahashi, T., AuthorTavernier, T., AuthorTaylor, A. M., AuthorTerrier, R., AuthorTiziani, D., AuthorTluczykont, M., AuthorTrichard, C., AuthorTsirou, M., AuthorTsuji, N., AuthorTuffs, R.1, Author           Uchiyama, Y., Authorvan der Walt, D. J., Authorvan Eldik, C., Authorvan Rensburg, C., Authorvan Soelen, B., AuthorVasileiadis, G., AuthorVeh, J., AuthorVenter, C., AuthorVincent, P., AuthorVink, J., AuthorVoisin, F., AuthorVölk, H. J.3, Author           Vuillaume, T., AuthorWadiasingh, Z., AuthorWagner, S. J., AuthorWhite, R.2, Author           Wierzcholska, A., AuthorYang, Ruizhi1, Author           Yoneda, H., AuthorZacharias, M., AuthorZanin, R.1, Author           Zdziarski, A. A., AuthorZech, A., AuthorZiegler, A., AuthorZorn, J., AuthorZywucka, N., AuthorMeyer, M., Author more..
1Division Prof. Dr. Werner Hofmann, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_904550              
2Division Prof. Dr. James A. Hinton, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_2074298              
3Prof. Heinrich J. Völk, Emeriti, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_907548              


Free keywords: Astrophysics, High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena, astro-ph.HE, Astrophysics, Galaxy Astrophysics, astro-ph.GA
 MPINP: HESS - Abteilung Hofmann
 Abstract: The flat spectrum radio quasar 3C 279 is known to exhibit pronounced
variability in the high-energy ($100\,$MeV$<E<100\,$GeV) $\gamma$-ray band,
which is continuously monitored with Fermi-LAT. During two periods of high
activity in April 2014 and June 2015 Target-of-Opportunity observations were
undertaken with H.E.S.S. in the very-high-energy (VHE, $E>100\,$GeV)
$\gamma$-ray domain. While the observation in 2014 provides an upper limit, the
observation in 2015 results in a signal with $8.7\,\sigma$ significance above
an energy threshold of $66\,$GeV. No VHE variability has been detected during
the 2015 observations. The VHE photon spectrum is soft and described by a
power-law index of $4.2\pm 0.3$. The H.E.S.S. data along with a detailed and
contemporaneous multiwavelength data set provide constraints on the physical
parameters of the emission region. The minimum distance of the emission region
from the central black hole is estimated using two plausible geometries of the
broad-line region and three potential intrinsic spectra. The emission region is
confidently placed at $r\gtrsim 1.7\times10^{17}\,$cm from the black hole,
i.e., beyond the assumed distance of the broad-line region. Time-dependent
leptonic and lepto-hadronic one-zone models are used to describe the evolution
of the 2015 flare. Neither model can fully reproduce the observations, despite
testing various parameter sets. Furthermore, the H.E.S.S. data are used to
derive constraints on Lorentz invariance violation given the large redshift of
3C 279.


 Dates: 2019-07-08
 Publication Status: Published online
 Pages: 20 pages, 12 figures, accepted by A&A
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: -
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Astronomy and Astrophysics
  Other : Astron. Astrophys.
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: Les Ulis Cedex A France : EDP Sciences
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 627 Sequence Number: A100 Start / End Page: - Identifier: Other: 1432-0746
ISSN: 0004-6361
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/954922828219_1