High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, hep-ph,High Energy Physics - Experiment, hep-ex
We investigate the prospect of probing the type III seesaw neutrino mass
generation mechanism at various collider experiments by searching for a
disappearing track signature as well as a displaced vertex originating from the
decay of $SU(2)_L$ triplet fermion ($\Sigma$). Because the triplet fermion is
primarily produced at colliders through the electroweak gauge interactions, its
production rate is uniquely determined by its mass. Using the type III seesaw
formula, we find that a $\Sigma$ particle with mass of a few hundred GeV, once
produced, leads to a disappearing track signature which can be probed at the
LHC and high luminosity LHC while the displaced vertex signature can be probed
by various proposed experiments such as MATHUSLA, LHeC, and FCC-he.