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  Impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines on pneumococcal meningitis cases in France between 2001 and 2014: a time series analysis

Alari, A., Chaussade, H., Domenech de Cellès, M., Le Fouler, L., Varon, E., Opatowski, L., et al. (2016). Impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines on pneumococcal meningitis cases in France between 2001 and 2014: a time series analysis. BMC Medicine, 14(1): 211. doi:10.1186/s12916-016-0755-7.

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Date of Discard: 2020-07-28
Comment: falscher Kontext
Alari, Anna
Chaussade, Hélène
Domenech de Cellès, Matthieu1, 2           
Le Fouler, Lénaig
Varon, Emmanuelle
Opatowski, Lulla
Guillemot, Didier
Watier, Laurence
1External Organizations, ou_persistent22              
2Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Max Planck Society, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin, DE, ou_3165594              
 Dates: 2016-12-21
Files: 1 File
Locators: 1 Locator
version ID: item_3181828_1
Item State: Discarded
Name of Context: Publications of the MPI for Infection Biology, Affiliated to: Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology