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  A new marine biogenic emission: methane sulfonamide (MSAM), DMS and DMSO2 measured in air over the Arabian Sea

Edtbauer, A., Stönner, C., Pfannerstill, E. Y., Berasategui, M., Walter, D., Crowley, J. N., et al. (2020). A new marine biogenic emission: methane sulfonamide (MSAM), DMS and DMSO2 measured in air over the Arabian Sea. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions. doi:10.5194/acp-2019-1021.

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Basisdaten (Verworfen)

Datum des Verwerfens: 2020-05-29
Kommentar: Doppeleintrag
Edtbauer, Achim
Stönner, Christof
Pfannerstill, Eva Y.
Berasategui, Matias
Walter, David1           
Crowley, John N.
Lelieveld, Jos
Williams, Jonathan
1Department Biogeochemical Processes, Prof. S. E. Trumbore, Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Max Planck Society, ou_1497752              
 Datum: 2020-01-032020-01-03
Dateien: 2 Dateien
Externe Referenzen: 1 ext. Referenz
Versions ID: item_3184774_1
Status des Datensatzes: Verworfen
Name des Kontextes: Publications of the MPI for Biogeochemistry, Zugehörig zu: Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry