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  Search for the rare decay Λ+c → pμ+ μ-

LHCb collaboration, Aaij, R., Adeva, B., Adinolfi, M., Ajaltouni, Z., Akar, S., et al. (2018). Search for the rare decay Λ+c → pμ+ μ-. Physical Review D, 97: 091101. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.97.091101.

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LHCb collaboration, Author
Aaij, R., Author
Adeva, B., Author
Adinolfi, M., Author
Ajaltouni, Z., Author
Akar, S., Author
Albrecht, J., Author
Alessio, F., Author
Alexander, M., Author
Albero, A. Alfonso, Author
Ali, S., Author
Alkhazov, G., Author
Cartelle, P. Alvarez, Author
Alves, A. A., Author
Amato, S., Author
Amerio, S., Author
Amhis, Y., Author
An, L., Author
Anderlini, L., Author
Andreassi, G., Author
Andreotti, M., AuthorAndrews, J. E., AuthorAppleby, R. B., AuthorArchilli, F., Authord'Argent, P., AuthorRomeu, J. Arnau, AuthorArtamonov, A., AuthorArtuso, M., AuthorAslanides, E., AuthorAtzeni, M., AuthorAuriemma, G., AuthorBaalouch, M., AuthorBabuschkin, I., AuthorBachmann, S., AuthorBack, J. J., AuthorBadalov, A., AuthorBaesso, C., AuthorBaker, S., AuthorBalagura, V., AuthorBaldini, W., AuthorBaranov, A., AuthorBarlow, R. J., AuthorBarschel, C., AuthorBarsuk, S., AuthorBarter, W., AuthorBaryshnikov, F., AuthorBatozskaya, V., AuthorBattista, V., AuthorBay, A., AuthorBeaucourt, L., AuthorBeddow, J., AuthorBedeschi, F., AuthorBediaga, I., AuthorBeiter, A., AuthorBel, L. J., AuthorBeliy, N., AuthorBellee, V., AuthorBelloli, N., AuthorBelous, K., AuthorBelyaev, I., AuthorBen-Haim, E., AuthorBencivenni, G., AuthorBenson, S., AuthorBeranek, S., AuthorBerezhnoy, A., AuthorBernet, R., AuthorBerninghoff, D., AuthorBertholet, E., AuthorBertolin, A., AuthorBetancourt, C., AuthorBetti, F., AuthorBettler, M. O., Authorvan Beuzekom, M., AuthorBezshyiko, Ia., AuthorBifani, S., AuthorBilloir, P., AuthorBirnkraut, A., AuthorBizzeti, A., AuthorBjørn, M., AuthorBlake, T., AuthorBlanc, F., AuthorBlusk, S., AuthorBocci, V., AuthorBoettcher, T., AuthorBondar, A., AuthorBondar, N., AuthorBordyuzhin, I., AuthorBorghi, S., AuthorBorisyak, M., AuthorBorsato, M., AuthorBossu, F., AuthorBoubdir, M., AuthorBowcock, T. J. 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1Division Prof. Dr. James A. Hinton, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_2074298              


Free keywords: High Energy Physics - Experiment, hep-ex
 MPINP: LHCb - Abteilung Hinton
 Abstract: A search for the flavor-changing neutral-current decay $\Lambda_{c}^{+} \to
p\mu^+\mu^-$ is reported using a data set corresponding to an integrated
luminosity of $3.0\rm fb^{-1}$ collected by the LHCb collaboration. No
significant signal is observed outside of the dimuon mass regions around the
$\phi$ and $\omega$ resonances and an upper limit is placed on the branching
fraction of $\mathcal{B} (\Lambda_{c}^{+} \to p\mu^+\mu^-) < 7.7~(9.6)\times
10^{-8}~{\rm at}~90\%~(95\%)$ confidence level. A significant signal is
observed in the $\omega$ dimuon mass region for the first time.


 Dates: 2018-05-13
 Publication Status: Published online
 Pages: All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and additional information, are available at https://lhcbproject.web.cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/LHCbProjectPublic/LHCb-PAPER-2017-039.html
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: -
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Physical Review D
  Other : Phys. Rev. D.
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: Lancaster, Pa. : American Physical Society
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 97 Sequence Number: 091101 Start / End Page: - Identifier: ISSN: 0556-2821
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/111088197762258