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Ultracold matter
Motivated by the recent experiments on engineering localized losses in quantum gases, we study the dynamics of interacting bosons in a two-dimensional optical lattice with local dissipation. Together with the Gutzwiller mean-field theory for density matrices and Lindblad master equation, we show how the onsite interaction between bosons affects the particle loss for various strengths of dissipation. For moderate dissipation, the trend in particle loss differs significantly near the superfluid-Mott boundary than the deep superfluid regime. While the loss is suppressed for stronger dissipation in the deep superfluid regime, revealing the typical quantum Zeno effect, the loss near the phase boundary shows non-monotonic dependence on the dissipation strength. We furthermore show that close to the phase boundary, the long-time dissipative dynamics is different from the deep superfluid regime. Thus the loss of particle due to dissipation may act as a probe to differentiate strongly-correlated superfluid regime from its weakly-correlated counterpart.