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  Discovery of a brown dwarf companion to the star HIP 64892

Cheetham, A., Bonnefoy, M., Desidera, S., Langlois, M., Vigan, A., Schmidt, T., et al. (2018). Discovery of a brown dwarf companion to the star HIP 64892. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 615.

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Cheetham, A.1, Author
Bonnefoy, M.1, Author
Desidera, S.1, Author
Langlois, M.1, Author
Vigan, A.1, Author
Schmidt, T.1, Author
Olofsson, J.1, Author
Chauvin, G.1, Author
Klahr, H.1, Author
Gratton, R.1, Author
D'Orazi, V.1, Author
Henning, T.1, Author
Janson, M.1, Author
Biller, B.1, Author
Peretti, S.1, Author
Hagelberg, J.1, Author
Ségransan, D.1, Author
Udry, S.1, Author
Mesa, D.1, Author
Sissa, E.1, Author
Kral, Q.1, AuthorSchlieder, J.1, AuthorMaire, A. -L.1, AuthorMordasini, C.1, AuthorMenard, F.1, AuthorZurlo, A.1, AuthorBeuzit, J. -L.1, AuthorFeldt, M.1, AuthorMouillet, D.1, AuthorMeyer, M.1, AuthorLagrange, A. -M.1, AuthorBoccaletti, A.1, AuthorKeppler, M.1, AuthorKopytova, T.1, AuthorLigi, R.1, AuthorRouan, D.1, AuthorLe Coroller, H.1, AuthorDominik, C.1, AuthorLagadec, E.1, AuthorTuratto, M.1, AuthorAbe, L.1, AuthorAntichi, J.1, AuthorBaruffolo, A.1, AuthorBaudoz, P.1, AuthorBlanchard, P.1, AuthorBuey, T.1, AuthorCarbillet, M.1, AuthorCarle, M.1, AuthorCascone, E.1, AuthorClaudi, R.1, AuthorCostille, A.1, AuthorDelboulbé, A.1, AuthorDe Caprio, V.1, AuthorDohlen, K.1, AuthorFantinel, D.1, AuthorFeautrier, P.1, AuthorFusco, T.1, AuthorGiro, E.1, AuthorGluck, L.1, AuthorHubin, N.1, AuthorHugot, E.1, AuthorJaquet, M.1, AuthorKasper, M.1, AuthorLlored, M.1, AuthorMadec, F.1, AuthorMagnard, Y.1, AuthorMartinez, P.1, AuthorMaurel, D.1, AuthorLe Mignant, D.1, AuthorMöller-Nilsson, O.1, AuthorMoulin, T.1, AuthorOrigné, A.1, AuthorPavlov, A.1, AuthorPerret, D.1, AuthorPetit, C.1, AuthorPragt, J.1, AuthorPuget, P.1, AuthorRabou, P.1, AuthorRamos, J.1, AuthorRigal, F.1, AuthorRochat, S.1, AuthorRoelfsema, R.1, AuthorRousset, G.1, AuthorRoux, A.1, AuthorSalasnich, B.1, AuthorSauvage, J. -F.1, AuthorSevin, A.1, AuthorSoenke, C.1, AuthorStadler, E.1, AuthorSuarez, M.1, AuthorWeber, L.1, AuthorWildi, F.1, Author more..
1Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Max Planck Society and Cooperation Partners, ou_2421692              


Free keywords: brown dwarfs stars: individual: HIP 64892 techniques: high angular resolution planets and satellites: detection planets and satellites: atmospheres Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
 Abstract: We report the discovery of a bright, brown dwarf companion to the star HIP 64892, imaged with VLT/SPHERE during the SHINE exoplanet survey. The host is a B9.5V member of the Lower-Centaurus-Crux subgroup of the Scorpius Centaurus OB association. The measured angular separation of the companion (1.2705 ± 0.0023") corresponds to a projected distance of 159 ± 12 AU. We observed the target with the dual-band imaging and long- slit spectroscopy modes of the IRDIS imager to obtain its spectral energy distribution (SED) and astrometry. In addition, we reprocessed archival NACO L-band data, from which we also recover the companion. Its SED is consistent with a young (<30 Myr), low surface gravity object with a spectral type of M9γ ± 1. From comparison with the BT- Settl atmospheric models we estimate an effective temperature of Teff = 2600 ± 100 K, and comparison of the companion photometry to the COND evolutionary models yields a mass of 29-37 MJ at the estimated age of 16-7+15 Myr for the system. The star HIP 64892 is a rare example of an extreme-mass ratio system (q 0.01) and will be useful for testing models relating to the formation and evolution of such low-mass objects. Based on observations collected at the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere under ESO programmes 096.C-0241 and 198.C-0209 (PI: J.-L. Beuzit), 098.A-9007(A) (PI: P. Sarkis), and 087.C-0790(A) (PI: M. Ireland).


 Dates: 2018
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: -
 Identifiers: -
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Astronomy and Astrophysics
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: -
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 615 Sequence Number: - Start / End Page: - Identifier: -