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  Vernalization shapes shoot architecture and ensures the maintenance of dormant buds in the perennial Arabis alpina

Vayssières, A., Mishra, P., Roggen, A., Neumann, U., Ljung, K., & Albani, M. (2020). Vernalization shapes shoot architecture and ensures the maintenance of dormant buds in the perennial Arabis alpina. New Phytologist. doi:10.1111/nph.16470.

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Datum des Verwerfens: 2020-06-08
Kommentar: falsches pdf
Vayssières, A.1           
Mishra, P.1           
Roggen, A.2           
Neumann, U.3           
Ljung, K.
Albani, M.1           
1Independent Research Groups, MPI for Plant Breeding Research, Max Planck Society, ou_1113574              
2Dept. of Plant Developmental Biology (George Coupland), MPI for Plant Breeding Research, Max Planck Society, ou_1113571              
3Central Microscopy, MPI for Plant Breeding Research, Max Planck Society, ou_1113565              
 Datum: 2020
Dateien: 1 Datei
Externe Referenzen: 0 ext. Referenzen
Versions ID: item_3215341_4
Status des Datensatzes: Verworfen
Name des Kontextes: Publications of the MPI for Plant Breeding Research, Zugehörig zu: MPI for Plant Breeding Research