The compound eye of the fly Musca domestica L. contains two receptor-systems, separable by their anatomical and physiological properties (Kirschfeld and Franceschini, 1968; Kirschfeld and Reichardt, 1970; Eckert, 1971). By means of optomotor experiments the spectral characteristics of the receptor-system 1–6 (“green receptor”) and the receptor-system 7 + 8 (“blue receptor”) have been determined separately in the range of 300–600 mμ.
The torque exerted by fixed flying Muscae was used as a measure of the optomotor reaction elicited by the rotation of cylindrical patterns with periodically changing surface reflectance. The receptor-system 1–6 is specifically stimulated under very dim illumination and by applying a pattern wavelength of 10,6° whereas the receptor-system 7 + 8 is specifically stimulated by making use of a pattern of 3° spatial wavelength illuminated with higher light intensities. In order to determine the spectral sensitivity distributions of the two receptor-systems the dependence of the reaction on the wavelength of monochromatic light was measured at threshold intensities.