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  TURBOMOLE: Modular program suite for ab initio quantum-chemical and condensed-matter simulations

Balasubramani, S. G., Chen, G. P., Coriani, S., Diedenhofen, M., Frank, M. S., Franzke, Y. J., et al. (2020). TURBOMOLE: Modular program suite for ab initio quantum-chemical and condensed-matter simulations. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 152(18): 184107. doi:10.1063/5.0004635.

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Balasubramani, Sree Ganesh1, Autor
Chen, Guo P.1, Autor
Coriani, Sonia2, Autor
Diedenhofen, Michael3, Autor
Frank, Marius S.4, Autor
Franzke, Yannick J.5, Autor
Furche, Filipp1, Autor
Grotjahn, Robin6, Autor
Harding, Michael E.7, Autor
Hättig, Christof4, Autor
Hellweg, Arnim3, Autor
Helmich-Paris, Benjamin8, Autor           
Holzer, Christof5, Autor
Huniar, Uwe3, Autor
Kaupp, Martin6, Autor
Marefat Khah, Alireza4, Autor
Karbalaei Khani, Sarah4, Autor
Müller, Thomas9, Autor
Mack, Fabian5, 7, Autor
Nguyen, Brian D.1, Autor
1Department of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, 1102 Natural Sciences II, Irvine, California 92697-2025, USA, ou_persistent22              
2DTU Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark, Kemitorvet Build. 207, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, ou_persistent22              
3Dassault Systèmes Deutschland GmbH, Imbacher Weg 46, 51379 Leverkusen, Germany, ou_persistent22              
4Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Chemie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 44801 Bochum, Germany, ou_persistent22              
5Institute of Physical Chemistry, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), KIT Campus South, P.O. Box 6980, 76049 Karlsruhe, Germany, ou_persistent22              
6Institut für Chemie, Theoretische Chemie/Quantenchemie, Technische Universität Berlin, Sekr. C7, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin, Germany, ou_persistent22              
7TURBOMOLE GmbH, Litzenhardtstraße 19, 76135 Karlsruhe, Germany, ou_persistent22              
8Research Group Helmich-Paris, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Max Planck Society, ou_2541712              
9Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich Supercomputer Centre, Wilhelm-Jonen Straße, 52425 Jülich, Germany, ou_persistent22              
10Department of Chemistry, Case Western Reserve University, 0900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44106, USA, ou_persistent22              
11Department of Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599, USA, ou_persistent22              
12Institute of Nanotechnology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), KIT Campus North, P.O. Box 3640, 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany, ou_persistent22              
13Department of Chemistry, Aarhus Universitet, Langelandsgade 140, DK-8000 Aarhus, Denmark, ou_persistent22              
14Otto-Schott-Institut für Materialforschung, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Löbdergraben 32, 07743 Jena, Germany, ou_persistent22              
15Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, California State University, Long Beach, 1250 Bellflower Boulevard, Long Beach, California 90840, USA, ou_persistent22              
16Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Heisenbergstaße 1, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany, ou_persistent22              
17Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QZ, United Kingdom, ou_persistent22              
18Fachbereich Chemie and Forschungszentrum OPTIMAS, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Erwin-Schrödinger-Staße 52, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany, ou_persistent22              
19Department of Chemical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai 400005, India, ou_persistent22              
20Fachbereich Chemie, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Hans-Meerwein-Str. 4, 35032 Marburg, Germany, ou_persistent22              


Schlagwörter: -
 Zusammenfassung: TURBOMOLE is a collaborative, multi-national software development project aiming to provide highly efficient and stable computational tools for quantum chemical simulations of molecules, clusters, periodic systems, and solutions. The TURBOMOLE software suite is optimized for widely available, inexpensive, and resource-efficient hardware such as multi-core workstations and small computer clusters. TURBOMOLE specializes in electronic structure methods with outstanding accuracy–cost ratio, such as density functional theory including local hybrids and the random phase approximation (RPA), GW-Bethe–Salpeter methods, second-order Møller–Plesset theory, and explicitly correlated coupled-cluster methods. TURBOMOLE is based on Gaussian basis sets and has been pivotal for the development of many fast and low-scaling algorithms in the past three decades, such as integral-direct methods, fast multipole methods, the resolution-of-the-identity approximation, imaginary frequency integration, Laplace transform, and pair natural orbital methods. This review focuses on recent additions to TURBOMOLE’s functionality, including excited-state methods, RPA and Green’s function methods, relativistic approaches, high-order molecular properties, solvation effects, and periodic systems. A variety of illustrative applications along with accuracy and timing data are discussed. Moreover, available interfaces to users as well as other software are summarized. TURBOMOLE’s current licensing, distribution, and support model are discussed, and an overview of TURBOMOLE’s development workflow is provided. Challenges such as communication and outreach, software infrastructure, and funding are highlighted.


Sprache(n): eng - English
 Datum: 2020-02-122020-04-072020-05-132020-05-14
 Publikationsstatus: Erschienen
 Seiten: 36
 Ort, Verlag, Ausgabe: -
 Inhaltsverzeichnis: -
 Art der Begutachtung: Expertenbegutachtung
 Identifikatoren: DOI: 10.1063/5.0004635
 Art des Abschluß: -







Quelle 1

Titel: The Journal of Chemical Physics
  Andere : J. Chem. Phys.
Genre der Quelle: Zeitschrift
Ort, Verlag, Ausgabe: Woodbury, N.Y. : American Institute of Physics
Seiten: - Band / Heft: 152 (18) Artikelnummer: 184107 Start- / Endseite: - Identifikator: ISSN: 0021-9606