Pigment granule migration in pigment cells and retinula cells of the digger wasp Sphex cognatus Smith was analysed morphologically after light adaptation to natural light, dark adaptation and after four selective chromatic adaptations in the range between 358 nm and 580 nm and used as the index of receptor cell sensitivity. The receptor region of each ommatidium consists of nine retinula cells which form a centrally located rhabdom. Two morphologically and physiologically different visual units can be described, defined by the arrangement of the rhabdomeric microvilli, the topographical relationship of the receptor cells with respect to the eye axes and the unique retinula cell screening pigmentation. These two different sets of ommatidia (type A and B) are randomly distributed in a ratio of 1∶3 throughout the eye (Ribi, 1978b). Chromatic adaptation experiments with wavelengths of 358 nm, 443 nm, 523 nm and 580 nm and subsequent histological examination reveal two UV receptors, two blue receptors and four yellow-green receptors in type A ommatidia and two UV receptors and six green to yellow-green receptors in type B ommatidia. The pigments in cells surrounding each ommatidium (two primary pigment cells, 20 secondary pigment cells and four pigmented cone extensions) were not affected significantly by the adaptation experiments.