The uptake of 3H-GABA in the visual system of half-head preparations of Musca and Drosophila was studied by means of light and electron microscope autoradiography. Of all three ganglia, only the first synaptic region, the lamina ganglionaris, showed accumulation of radioactive grains, and there a preferential glial uptake could be found. Under normal light conditions at incubation (constant light flux of 100 Lux) the maximum of radio-activity was found in the marginal glia cells. Increasing the time of incubation produced also an increase in the number of grains per surface unit in the marginal glia cells. After changing the light intensity during incubation, quantitative modifications of the distribution of radio-activity were observed: incubating with stroboscopic illumination, the number of grains diminished in the marginal glia cells and remained constant in the epithelial cells; incubated in darkness, the epithelial cells became more intensely labelled whilst the number of grains decreased in the marginal cells.