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  An integrative study of bird migration

Lugo Ramos, J. S. (2020). An integrative study of bird migration. PhD Thesis, Christian Albrechts University, Kiel.

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Genre: Thesis
Subtitle : From the migratory phenotype to its gene regulation mechanisms and back.


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Lugo Ramos, Juan Sebastian1, 2, Author           
Liedvogel, Miriam2, Advisor           
1IMPRS for Evolutionary Biology, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Max Planck Society, ou_1445639              
2Max Planck Research Group Behavioural Genomics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Max Planck Society, ou_2129640              


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 Abstract: Life goes out of equilibrium; it is in constant movement. Animals,
especially, move as part of their life cycle. An outstanding example is bird
migration. Some birds adopt migration as a strategy to survive the harsh
conditions of weather seasonality in temperate regions. Different sources of
evidence indicate that seasonal migration is innate, and it can be inherited.
Mutations in such heritable behaviour create an array of diversity in
migratory traits: timing, orientation and distance.
The diversity of migratory traits can affect ecological speciation. Migratory
divides, for instance, are geographical areas where birds with different
migratory orientations hybridise. If the differences in migratory behaviour
are strong enough to create reproductive barriers, this could evolve into
population divergence and eventually, speciation. However, to understand
the potential processes of divergence caused by migratory behaviours, a
crucial element is missing: the identity of the molecular mechanisms
involved in migration. Genome-wide studies in bird species with migratory
divides find several different genomic regions with species-specific
signature. Similarly, gene expression approaches in different organs and
species find groups of individual differentially expressed genes. These
results suggest an intricate mechanism for the genetics of migration with
potential species-specific characteristics.
This thesis analyses the migratory behaviour from different angles spanning
the phenotype to gene regulation, to contribute to the identification of
mechanisms and evolution of migration.
Most of the chapters of this thesis use the Eurasian blackcap (Sylvia
atricapilla) a species that comprise an extensive repertoire of orientation
and distance traits, including entirely resident populations. With blackcaps,
we studied the phenotypic variability of migration tracking individuals
throughout the year (Chapter 2). We used light-level geolocators to obtain migratory routes of individuals from populations in Central Europe and the
United Kingdom. We describe for the first time the orientation and timing
patterns of individuals from a migratory divide and a recently adapted
population in the UK.
In chapter 4, we analyse the genomics and evolution patterns of blackcaps.
Using whole-genome resequencing of populations covering all the
differences in migratory traits, we describe population structure and
demography in this species. We found that blackcaps show very little
genomic differentiation. The most divergent populations are residents,
while migratory populations comprise a single population at the genetic
Chapter 5 is the first study of gene regulatory mechanisms in the context of
bird migration. We characterised the chromatin accessibility landscape in
three brain areas contrasting individuals during migration with individuals
out of the migratory season. One of the findings is a general pattern of
gene repression in relevant brain regions like the Cluster N. Moreover; we
found cis-regulatory modules with particular evolutionary trajectories that
may play a role in migration.
Lastly, we did two comparative approaches to study macroevolutionary
patterns related to migration. First, we analysed phylogenetic patterns and
structural characteristics of previously proposed candidate genes (chapter
3). We found that the candidate genes do not have structural
characteristics correlated with the presence of migration across the avian
clade as it does within some species. The second comparative approach
(Chapter 6), evaluates the repeatability patterns of genomic divergence in
pairs of populations from migratory divides. Our results suggests that the
degree of repeatability is mainly driven by how apart in the speciation
continuum is the population pair located: if the pair is recently diverging, few repeatability is detected, while if the populations are further apart,
repeatability is more plausible.
Overall, this thesis highlights an essential feature for the study of complex
traits like migration: integration of different sources of evidence. Ideally, in
these cases, the analysis of phenotype, evolutionary patterns and
regulatory mechanisms in the same individuals, should be the standard
procedure. We are aware that this is an implausible scenario. However, the
integration of different studies, help to guide the search of molecular
elements involved in bird migration. This thesis is the first - at least that we
are aware of - study compilating research on a variety of topics to
understand bird migration.
We are still far from getting a definitive understanding of bird migration.
Nevertheless, confirming the heritability of the phenotype, describing
macro and microevolutionary patterns of migration and specific regulatory
elements, will improve the search for new candidate genes for this


Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 2020-032020-032020-05-152020-09
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: 242
 Publishing info: Kiel : Christian Albrechts University
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: -
 Identifiers: Other: Diss/13304
 Degree: PhD



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