Speichertechnik - Abteilung Blaum
In this work, the first successful application of the recently developed Phase-Imaging Ion-Cyclotron Resonance (PI-ICR) technique in the region of the heaviest elements is presented. For the first time, the atomic masses of several nobelium (No, Z=102), lawrencium (Lr, Z=103) and rutherfordium (Rf, Z=104) isotopes and isomers have been measured directly, reaching uncertainties on the order of few keV/c2 using the Penning-trap mass spectrometer SHIPTRAP. These heavy radionuclides were produced in fusion-evaporation reactions and separated from the primary beam by the velocity filter SHIP located at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt, Germany. The mass measurements were carried out at production rates of few ions per second down to few ions per minute. To improve the overall efficiency on stopped and thermalized ions, the recently developed cryogenic gas-stopping cell was implemented into the existing beam line. Its performance with respect to purity and efficiency has been characterized and improved. The overall efficiency of SHIPTRAP is increased by about one order of magnitude with respect to previous measurements on heavy ions.