We investigate possible extensions of the Standard Model according to
the either elementary or composite nature of the Higgs boson. In the former scenario,
we present a model of flavored axion-Higgs unification in which electroweak symmetry
breaking occurs dynamically and selects a small region for the axion decay constant that
will be fully tested at forthcoming dark matter and flavor experiments. Moreover, if the
Higgs is elementary, yukawa couplings are regarded as fundamental interactions: this
relates to possible UV completions based on asymptotic safety for which we provide new
insights by studying models containing a large multiplicity of fermion fields. Finally,
we introduce a new realization of a composite Higgs that resolves the tension with
null-signals of new physics at the LHC. It is based on a new symmetry structure that
we call soft breaking, whose realization in the context of a warped extra dimension is
particularly simple and straightforward. When combined with other possible symmetries
this allows for a completely natural model to emerge predicting composite resonances
above 2 TeV with fine-tuning at the minimum 10% already implied by LEP and thus
restoring naturalness in the light of the LHC data.