Free keywords:
COVID-19, Lockdown, Social inequality, Gender inequality, Well-being, Health
This working paper offers an overview of the first stage of the Coping with Covid (CoCo) project, which tracks the behaviors
and attitudes of a representative panel of the French metropolitan population during the COVID-19 lockdown. We
conducted five survey waves and administered daily journals of open-ended responses between April and June 2020
among a sample of 1,216 people from a pre-existing panel (ELIPSS). Earlier surveys of this sample allowed us to better
contextualize changes that may have occurred during this unusual period.
We outline four experiential dimensions during the lockdown period: relation to work, everyday activities and time use,
self-assessed health and well-being, and the framing of the pandemic crisis. What we found follows traditional inequality
patterns and also reveals some unexpected changes in social practices and attitudes.