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  A Restricted Open Configuration Interaction with Singles Method To Calculate Valence-to-Core Resonant X-ray Emission Spectra: A Case Study

Maganas, D., DeBeer, S., & Neese, F. (2017). A Restricted Open Configuration Interaction with Singles Method To Calculate Valence-to-Core Resonant X-ray Emission Spectra: A Case Study. Inorganic Chemistry, 56(19), 11819-11836. doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b01810.

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Maganas, Dimitrios1, Author           
DeBeer, Serena1, Author           
Neese, Frank1, Author           
1Research Department Neese, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Max Planck Society, ou_3023886              


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 Abstract: In this work, a new protocol for the calculation of valence-to-core resonant X-ray emission (VtC RXES) spectra is introduced. The approach is based on the previously developed restricted open configuration interaction with singles (ROCIS) method and its parametrized version, based on a ground-state Kohn–Sham determinant (DFT/ROCIS) method. The ROCIS approach has the following features: (1) In the first step approximation, many-particle eigenstates are calculated in which the total spin is retained as a good quantum number. (2) The ground state with total spin S and excited states with spin S′ = S, S ± 1, are obtained. (3) These states have a qualitatively correct multiplet structure. (4) Quasi-degenerate perturbation theory is used to treat the spin–orbit coupling operator variationally at the many-particle level. (5) Transition moments are obtained between the relativistic many-particle states. The method has shown great potential in the field of X-ray spectroscopy, in particular in the field of transition-metal L-edge, which cannot be described correctly with particle–hole theories. In this work, the method is extended to the calculation of resonant VtC RXES [alternatively referred to as 1s-VtC resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS)] spectra. The complete Kramers–Dirac–Heisenerg equation is taken into account. Thus, state interference effects are treated naturally within this protocol. As a first application of this protocol, a computational study on the previously reported VtC RXES plane on a molecular managanese(V) complex is performed. Starting from conventional X-ray absorption spectra (XAS), we present a systematic study that involves calculations and electronic structure analysis of both the XAS and non-resonant and resonant VtC XES spectra. The very good agreement between theory and experiment, observed in all cases, allows us to unravel the complicated intensity mechanism of these spectroscopic techniques as a synergic function of state polarization and interference effects. In general, intense features in the RIXS spectra originate from absorption and emission processes that involve nonorthogonal transition moments. We also present a graphical method to determine the sign of the interference contributions.


Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 2017-09-182017-10-02
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: 18
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: Peer
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b01810
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Inorganic Chemistry
  Abbreviation : Inorg. Chem.
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: Washington, DC : American Chemical Society
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 56 (19) Sequence Number: - Start / End Page: 11819 - 11836 Identifier: ISSN: 0020-1669
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/0020-1669