This article reports development of a local variant of Mukherjee’s state-specific multireference coupled cluster method based on the domain-based pair natural orbital approach (DLPNO-MkCC). The current implementation is restricted to connected single and double excitations and model space with up to biexcited references. The performance of the DLPNO-MkCCSD was tested on calculations of tetramethyleneethane. The results show that above 99.9% of the correlation energy was recovered, with respect to the conventional MkCC method. To demonstrate the applicability of the method to large systems, singlet–triplet gaps of triangulene and bis(1-(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)-3,3,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-2-ylidene)beryllium complex were studied. For the last system (105 atoms), we were able to perform a calculation in cc-pVTZ with 2158 basis functions on a single CPU in less than 9 days.