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  Pulling direction as a reaction coordinate for the mechanical unfolding of single molecules

Best, R. B., Paci, E., Hummer, G., & Dudko, O. K. (2008). Pulling direction as a reaction coordinate for the mechanical unfolding of single molecules. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 112(19), 5968-5976. doi:10.1021/jp075955j.

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Best, Robert B.1, Author
Paci, Emanuele1, Author
Hummer, Gerhard2, Author                 
Dudko, Olga K.1, Author
1External Organizations, ou_persistent22              
2Laboratory of Chemical Physics, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA, ou_persistent22              


Free keywords: Computer Simulation, Kinetics, Models, Molecular, Protein Folding, Protein Structure, Tertiary, Time Factors, Ubiquitin
 Abstract: The folding and unfolding kinetics of single molecules, such as proteins or nucleic acids, can be explored by mechanical pulling experiments. Determining intrinsic kinetic information, at zero stretching force, usually requires an extrapolation by fitting a theoretical model. Here, we apply a recent theoretical approach describing molecular rupture in the presence of force to unfolding kinetic data obtained from coarse-grained simulations of ubiquitin. Unfolding rates calculated from simulations over a broad range of stretching forces, for different pulling directions, reveal a remarkable "turnover" from a force-independent process at low force to a force-dependent process at high force, akin to the "roll-over" in unfolding rates sometimes seen in studies using chemical denaturant. While such a turnover in rates is unexpected in one dimension, we demonstrate that it can occur for dynamics in just two dimensions. We relate the turnover to the quality of the pulling direction as a reaction coordinate for the intrinsic folding mechanism. A novel pulling direction, designed to be the most relevant to the intrinsic folding pathway, results in the smallest turnover. Our results are in accord with protein engineering experiments and simulations which indicate that the unfolding mechanism at high force can differ from the intrinsic mechanism. The apparent similarity between extrapolated and intrinsic rates in experiments, unexpected for different unfolding barriers, can be explained if the turnover occurs at low forces.


Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 2007-07-272007-11-082008-02-062008-05
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: 9
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: Peer
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1021/jp075955j
BibTex Citekey: best_pulling_2008
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
  Abbreviation : J. Phys. Chem. B
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: Washington, D.C. : American Chemical Society
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 112 (19) Sequence Number: - Start / End Page: 5968 - 5976 Identifier: ISSN: 1520-6106
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/1000000000293370_1