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  Measurement of CP observables in B± → DK± and B± → Dπ± with D → KS0K±π decays

LHCb collaboration, Aaij, R., Abellán Beteta, C., Ackernley, T., Adeva, B., Adinolfi, M., et al. (2020). Measurement of CP observables in B± → DK± and B± → Dπ± with D → KS0K±π decays. Journal of high energy physics: JHEP, 2020(6): 58. doi:10.1007/JHEP06(2020)058.

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LHCb collaboration, Author              
Aaij, R., Author
Abellán Beteta, C. , Author
Ackernley, T., Author
Adeva, B., Author
Adinolfi, M., Author
Afsharnia, H., Author
Aidala, C. A., Author
Aiola, S., Author
Ajaltouni, Z., Author
Akar, S., Author
Albicocco, P., Author
Albrecht, J., Author
Alessio, F., Author
Alexander, M., Author
AlfonsoAlbero, A. , Author
Alkhazov, G., Author
Alvarez Cartelle, P. , Author
Alves, A. A., Author
Amato, S., Author
Amhis, Y., AuthorAn, L., AuthorAnderlini, L., AuthorAndreassi, G., AuthorAndreotti, M., AuthorArchilli, F., AuthorArnau Romeu, J. , AuthorArtamonov, A., AuthorArtuso, M., AuthorArzymatov, K., AuthorAslanides, E., AuthorAtzeni, M., AuthorAudurier, B., AuthorBachmann, S., AuthorBack, J. J., AuthorBaker, S., AuthorBalagura, V., AuthorBaldini, W., AuthorBaranov, A., AuthorBarlow, R. J., AuthorBarsuk, S., AuthorBarter, W., AuthorBartolini, M., AuthorBaryshnikov, F., AuthorBassi, G., AuthorBatozskaya, V., AuthorBatsukh, B., AuthorBattig, A., AuthorBay, A., AuthorBecker, M., AuthorBedeschi, F., AuthorBediaga, I., AuthorBeiter, A., AuthorBel, L. J., AuthorBelavin, V., AuthorBelin, S., AuthorBeliy, N., AuthorBellee, V., AuthorBelous, K., AuthorBelyaev, I., AuthorBencivenni, G., AuthorBen-Haim, E., AuthorBenson, S., AuthorBeranek, S., AuthorBerezhnoy, A., AuthorBernet, R., AuthorBerninghoff, D., AuthorBernstein, H. C., AuthorBertella, C., AuthorBertholet, E., AuthorBertolin, A., AuthorBetancourt, C., AuthorBetti, F., AuthorBettler, M. O., AuthorBezshyiko, Ia., AuthorBhasin, S., AuthorBhom, J., AuthorBieker, M. S., AuthorBifani, S., AuthorBilloir, P., AuthorBizzeti, A., AuthorBjørn, M., AuthorBlago, M. P., AuthorBlake, T., AuthorBlanc, F., AuthorBlusk, S., AuthorBobulska, D., AuthorBocci, V., Author Boente Garcia, O. , AuthorBoettcher, T., AuthorBoldyrev, A., AuthorBondar, A., AuthorBondar, N., AuthorBorghi, S., AuthorBorisyak, M., AuthorBorsato, M., AuthorBorsuk, J. T., AuthorBowcock, T. J. V., AuthorBozzi, C., AuthorBradley, M. J., AuthorBraun, S., AuthorBrea Rodriguez, A. , AuthorBrodski, M., AuthorBrodzicka, J., AuthorBrossa Gonzalo, A. , AuthorBrundu, D., AuthorBuchanan, E., AuthorBuonaura, A., AuthorBurr, C., AuthorBursche, A., AuthorButter, J. S., AuthorBuytaert, J., AuthorByczynski, W., AuthorCadeddu, S., AuthorCai, H., AuthorCalabrese, R., AuthorCalero Diaz, L. , AuthorCali, S., AuthorCalladine, R., AuthorCalvi, M., AuthorCalvo Gomez, M. , AuthorCamboni, A., AuthorCampana, P., AuthorCampora Perez, D. H. , AuthorCapriotti, L., AuthorCarbone, A., AuthorCarboni, G., AuthorCardinale, R., AuthorCardini, A., AuthorCarniti, P., AuthorCarvalho Akiba, K. , AuthorCasais Vidal, A. , AuthorCasse, G., AuthorCattaneo, M., AuthorCavallero, G., AuthorCelani, S., AuthorCenci, R., AuthorCerasoli, J., AuthorChapman, M. G., AuthorCharles, M., AuthorCharpentier, Ph., AuthorChatzikonstantinidis, G., AuthorChefdeville, M., AuthorChekalina, V., AuthorChen, C., AuthorChen, S., AuthorChernov, A., AuthorChitic, S. -G., AuthorChobanova, V., AuthorChrzaszcz, M., AuthorChubykin, A., AuthorCiambrone, P., AuthorCicala, M. F., AuthorVidal, X. Cid, AuthorCiezarek, G., AuthorCindolo, F., AuthorClarke, P. E. L., AuthorClemencic, M., AuthorCliff, H. 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1Division Prof. Dr. James A. Hinton, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_2074298              


Free keywords: High Energy Physics - Experiment, hep-ex
 MPINP: LHCb - Abteilung Hinton
 Abstract: -


 Dates: 2020-06-08
 Publication Status: Published online
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 Rev. Type: -
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1007/JHEP06(2020)058
 Degree: -



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Title: Journal of high energy physics : JHEP
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: Bologna, Italy : Società italiana di fisica
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 2020 (6) Sequence Number: 58 Start / End Page: - Identifier: ISSN: 1126-6708
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/111021927548002