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  Relations between hemispheric asymmetries of grey matter and auditory processing of spoken syllables in 281 healthy adults

Guadalupe, T., Kong, X., Akkermans, S. E. A., Fisher, S. E., & Francks, C. (in press). Relations between hemispheric asymmetries of grey matter and auditory processing of spoken syllables in 281 healthy adults. Brain Structure & Function.

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Basisdaten (Verworfen)

Datum des Verwerfens: 2021-01-28
Kommentar: double entry
Guadalupe, Tulio1           
Kong, Xiangzhen1, 2           
Akkermans, Sophie E. A.3, 4
Fisher, Simon E.1, 3           
Francks, Clyde1, 3, 5           
1Language and Genetics Department, MPI for Psycholinguistics, Max Planck Society, ou_792549              
2Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, ou_persistent22              
3Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, External Organizations, ou_55236              
4Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, ou_persistent22              
5Imaging Genomics, MPI for Psycholinguistics, Max Planck Society, ou_2579692              
 Datum: 2021-01
Dateien: 0 Dateien
Externe Referenzen: 0 ext. Referenzen
Versions ID: item_3277915_1
Status des Datensatzes: Verworfen
Name des Kontextes: Publications of the MPI for Psycholinguistics, Zugehörig zu: MPI for Psycholinguistics