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  Euclid preparation - VIII. The Complete Calibration of the Colour-Redshift Relation survey: VLT/KMOS observations and data release

Guglielmo, V., Saglia, R., Castander, F. J., Galametz, A., Paltani, S., Bender, R., Bolzonella, M., Capak, P., Ilbert, O., Masters, D. C., Stern, D., Andreon, S., Auricchio, N., Balaguera-Antolínez, A., Baldi, M., Bardelli, S., Biviano, A., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Bozzo, E., Branchini, E., Brau-Nogue, S., Brescia, M., Burigana, C., Cabanac, R. A., Camera, S., Capobianco, V., Cappi, A., Carbone, C., Carretero, J., Carvalho, C. S., Casas, R., Casas, S., Castellano, M., Castignani, G., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Colodro-Conde, C., Congedo, G., Conselice, C. J., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Costille, A., Coupon, J., Courtois, H. M., Cropper, M., Silva, A. D., de la Torre, S., Ferdinando, D. D., Dubath, F., Duncan, C. A. J., Dupac, X., Dusini, S., Fabricius, M., Farrens, S., Ferreira, P. G., Fotopoulou, S., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Fumana, M., Galeotta, S., Garilli, B., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Gozaliasl, G., Graciá-Carpio, J., Grupp, F., Guzzo, L., Hildebrandt, H., Hoekstra, H., Hormuth, F., Israel, H., Jahnke, K., Keihanen, E., Kermiche, S., Kilbinger, M., Kirkpatrick, C. C., Kitching, T., Kubik, B., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Laureijs, R., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maino, D., Maiorano, E., Maraston, C., Marggraf, O., Martinet, N., Marulli, F., Massey, R., Maurogordato, S., Medinaceli, E., Mei, S., Meneghetti, M., Metcalf, R. B., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Moscardini, L., Munari, E., Nakajima, R., Neissner, C., Niemi, S., Nucita, A. A., Padilla, C., Pasian, F., Patrizii, L., Pocino, A., Poncet, M., Pozzetti, L., Raison, F., Renzi, A., Rhodes, J., Riccio, G., Romelli, E., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Sanchez, A. G., Sapone, D., Schneider, P., Scottez, V., Secroun, A., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Sureau, F., Tallada-Crespí, P., Tavagnacco, D., Taylor, A. N., Tenti, M., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Tramacere, A., Valenziano, L., Vassallo, T., Wang, Y., Welikala, N., Wetzstein, M., Whittaker, L., Zacchei, A., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J., & Zucca, E. (2020). Euclid preparation - VIII. The Complete Calibration of the Colour-Redshift Relation survey: VLT/KMOS observations and data release. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 642:. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202038334.

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Euclid preparation VIII. The Complete Calibration of the Colour-Redshift Relation survey VLT KMOS observations and data release.pdf
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Guglielmo, V.1, 著者           
Saglia, R.1, 著者           
Castander, F. J., 著者
Galametz, A., 著者
Paltani, S., 著者
Bender, R.1, 著者           
Bolzonella, M., 著者
Capak, P., 著者
Ilbert, O., 著者
Masters, D. C., 著者
Stern, D., 著者
Andreon, S., 著者
Auricchio, N., 著者
Balaguera-Antolínez, A., 著者
Baldi, M., 著者
Bardelli, S., 著者
Biviano, A., 著者
Bodendorf, C.1, 著者           
Bonino, D., 著者
Bozzo, E., 著者
Branchini, E., 著者Brau-Nogue, S., 著者Brescia, M., 著者Burigana, C., 著者Cabanac, R. A., 著者Camera, S., 著者Capobianco, V., 著者Cappi, A., 著者Carbone, C., 著者Carretero, J., 著者Carvalho, C. S., 著者Casas, R., 著者Casas, S., 著者Castellano, M., 著者Castignani, G., 著者Cavuoti, S., 著者Cimatti, A., 著者Cledassou, R., 著者Colodro-Conde, C., 著者Congedo, G., 著者Conselice, C. J., 著者Conversi, L., 著者Copin, Y., 著者Corcione, L., 著者Costille, A., 著者Coupon, J., 著者Courtois, H. M., 著者Cropper, M., 著者Silva, A. Da, 著者de la Torre, S., 著者Ferdinando, D. Di, 著者Dubath, F., 著者Duncan, C. A. J., 著者Dupac, X., 著者Dusini, S., 著者Fabricius, M.1, 著者           Farrens, S., 著者Ferreira, P. G., 著者Fotopoulou, S., 著者Frailis, M., 著者Franceschi, E., 著者Fumana, M., 著者Galeotta, S., 著者Garilli, B., 著者Gillis, B., 著者Giocoli, C., 著者Gozaliasl, G., 著者Graciá-Carpio, J.2, 著者           Grupp, F.1, 著者           Guzzo, L., 著者Hildebrandt, H., 著者Hoekstra, H., 著者Hormuth, F., 著者Israel, H., 著者Jahnke, K., 著者Keihanen, E., 著者Kermiche, S., 著者Kilbinger, M., 著者Kirkpatrick, C. C., 著者Kitching, T., 著者Kubik, B., 著者Kunz, M., 著者Kurki-Suonio, H., 著者Laureijs, R., 著者Ligori, S., 著者Lilje, P. B., 著者Lloro, I., 著者Maino, D., 著者Maiorano, E., 著者Maraston, C., 著者Marggraf, O., 著者Martinet, N., 著者Marulli, F., 著者Massey, R., 著者Maurogordato, S., 著者Medinaceli, E., 著者Mei, S., 著者Meneghetti, M., 著者Metcalf, R. Benton, 著者Meylan, G., 著者Moresco, M., 著者Moscardini, L., 著者Munari, E., 著者Nakajima, R., 著者Neissner, C., 著者Niemi, S., 著者Nucita, A. A., 著者Padilla, C., 著者Pasian, F., 著者Patrizii, L., 著者Pocino, A., 著者Poncet, M., 著者Pozzetti, L., 著者Raison, F.1, 著者           Renzi, A., 著者Rhodes, J., 著者Riccio, G., 著者Romelli, E., 著者Roncarelli, M., 著者Rossetti, E., 著者Sanchez, A. G.1, 著者           Sapone, D., 著者Schneider, P., 著者Scottez, V., 著者Secroun, A., 著者Serrano, S., 著者Sirignano, C., 著者Sirri, G., 著者Sureau, F., 著者Tallada-Crespí, P., 著者Tavagnacco, D., 著者Taylor, A. N., 著者Tenti, M., 著者Tereno, I., 著者Toledo-Moreo, R., 著者Torradeflot, F., 著者Tramacere, A., 著者Valenziano, L., 著者Vassallo, T., 著者Wang, Y., 著者Welikala, N., 著者Wetzstein, M.2, 著者           Whittaker, L., 著者Zacchei, A., 著者Zamorani, G., 著者Zoubian, J., 著者Zucca, E., 著者 全て表示
1Optical and Interpretative Astronomy, MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_159895              
2Infrared and Submillimeter Astronomy, MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_159889              


キーワード: -
 要旨: The Complete Calibration of the Colour–Redshift Relation survey (C3R2) is a spectroscopic effort involving ESO and Keck facilities designed specifically to empirically calibrate the galaxy colour–redshift relation – P(z|C) to the Euclid depth (iAB = 24.5) and is intimately linked to the success of upcoming Stage IV dark energy missions based on weak lensing cosmology. The aim is to build a spectroscopic calibration sample that is as representative as possible of the galaxies of the Euclid weak lensing sample. In order to minimise the number of spectroscopic observations necessary to fill the gaps in current knowledge of the P(z|C), self-organising map (SOM) representations of the galaxy colour space have been constructed. Here we present the first results of an ESO@VLT Large Programme approved in the context of C3R2, which makes use of the two VLT optical and near-infrared multi-object spectrographs, FORS2 and KMOS. This data release paper focuses on high-quality spectroscopic redshifts of high-redshift galaxies observed with the KMOS spectrograph in the near-infrared H- and K-bands. A total of 424 highly-reliable redshifts are measured in the 1.3 ≤ z ≤ 2.5 range, with total success rates of 60.7% in the H-band and 32.8% in the K-band. The newly determined redshifts fill 55% of high (mainly regions with no spectroscopic measurements) and 35% of lower (regions with low-resolution/low-quality spectroscopic measurements) priority empty SOM grid cells. We measured Hα fluxes in a 1.″2 radius aperture from the spectra of the spectroscopically confirmed galaxies and converted them into star formation rates. In addition, we performed an SED fitting analysis on the same sample in order to derive stellar masses, E(B − V), total magnitudes, and SFRs. We combine the results obtained from the spectra with those derived via SED fitting, and we show that the spectroscopic failures come from either weakly star-forming galaxies (at z <  1.7, i.e. in the H-band) or low S/N spectra (in the K-band) of z >  2 galaxies.


言語: eng - English
 日付: 2020-10-20
 出版の状態: オンラインで出版済み
 ページ: -
 出版情報: -
 目次: -
 査読: -
 識別子(DOI, ISBNなど): DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202038334
その他: LOCALID: 3284729
 学位: -





Project information


出版物 1

出版物名: Astronomy and Astrophysics
  その他 : Astron. Astrophys.
種別: 学術雑誌
出版社, 出版地: France : EDP Sciences S A
ページ: - 巻号: 642 通巻号: A192 開始・終了ページ: - 識別子(ISBN, ISSN, DOIなど): ISSN: 1432-0746
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/954922828219_1