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We outline our experience in organizing the 9th edition of the International Workshop on Astronomy and Relativistic Astrophysics: from Quarks to Cosmos, in virtual format, denominated IWARA2020 Video Conference, held from 6 to 12 September, 2020. The IWARA 2020 Video Conference aimed to bring together leading academic scientists, professors, students, and research scholars for exchanging experiences and research results and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, concerns, practical challenges, and solutions adopted in the research fields within the scope of the conference. The IWARA 2020 Video Conference offered to the participants a platform for scientific and academic projects, partnerships, and presentation of high‐quality research contributions describing original and unpublished results on several topics related as new phenomena and new states of matter in the Universe, general relativity, gravitation, cosmology, dwarf stars, neutron and exotic stars, pulsars, black holes, GRBs, astroparticles and nuclear physics, QCD and heavy‐ion reactions, quantum gravity and quantum cosmology, gravitational‐wave astronomy, dark energy, dark matter, strange matter, high‐energy cosmic rays, galaxies, blazars and quasars, strong magnetic fields in the Universe as well as laboratories, observatories, telescopes, and other experimental and observational facilities that will define the future directions of astrophysics, astronomy, cosmology, nuclear and astroparticle physics and the future of physics at the energy frontiers, and topics related to these.