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  Measurement of the shape of the B0s → D*-s μ+νμ

LHCb Collaboration, Aaij, R., Abellan Beteta, C., Ackernley, T., Adeva, B., Adinolfi, M., et al. (2020). Measurement of the shape of the B0s → D*-s μ+νμ. Journal of high energy physics: JHEP, 2020(12): 144. doi:10.1007/JHEP12(2020)144.

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LHCb Collaboration, Author              
Aaij, R., Author
Abellan Beteta, C. 1, Author
Ackernley, T.1, Author
Adeva, B.1, Author
Adinolfi, M.1, Author
Afsharnia, H.1, Author
Aidala, C. A.1, Author
Aiola, S.1, Author
Ajaltouni, Z.1, Author
Akar, S.1, Author
Albicocco, P.1, Author
Albrecht, J.1, Author
Alessio, F.1, Author
Alexander, M.1, Author
Albero, A. Alfonso1, Author
Alkhazov, G.1, Author
Cartelle, P. Alvarez1, Author
Jr, A. A. Alves1, Author
Amato, S.1, Author
Amhis, Y.1, AuthorAn, L.1, AuthorAnderlini, L.1, AuthorAndreassi, G.1, AuthorAndreotti, M.1, AuthorArchilli, F.1, AuthorArtamonov, A.1, AuthorArtuso, M.1, AuthorArzymatov, K.1, AuthorAslanides, E.1, AuthorAtzeni, M.1, AuthorAudurier, B.1, AuthorBachmann, S.1, AuthorBack, J. J.1, AuthorBaker, S.1, AuthorBalagura, V1, AuthorBaldini, W.1, AuthorBaranov, A.1, AuthorBarlow, R. J.1, AuthorBarsuk, S.1, AuthorBarter, W.1, AuthorBartolini, M.1, AuthorBaryshnikov, F.1, AuthorBasels, J. M.1, AuthorBassi, G.1, AuthorBatozskaya, V1, AuthorBatsukh, B.1, AuthorBattig, A.1, AuthorBay, A.1, AuthorBecker, M.1, AuthorBedeschi, F.1, AuthorBediaga, I1, AuthorBeiter, A.1, AuthorBel, L. J.1, AuthorBelavin, V1, AuthorBelin, S.1, AuthorBellee, V1, AuthorBelous, K.1, AuthorBelyaev, I1, AuthorBencivenni, G.1, AuthorBen-Haim, E.1, AuthorBenson, S.1, AuthorBeranek, S.1, AuthorBerezhnoy, A.1, AuthorBernet, R.1, AuthorBerninghoff, D.1, AuthorBernstein, H. C.1, AuthorBertella, C.1, AuthorBertholet, E.1, AuthorBertolin, A.1, AuthorBetancourt, C.1, AuthorBetti, F.1, AuthorBettler, M. O.1, AuthorBezshyiko, Ia1, AuthorBhasin, S.1, AuthorBhom, J.1, AuthorBieker, M. S.1, AuthorBifani, S.1, AuthorBilloir, P.1, AuthorBizzeti, A.1, AuthorBjorn, M.1, AuthorBlago, M. P.1, AuthorBlake, T.1, AuthorBlanc, F.1, AuthorBlusk, S.1, AuthorBobulska, D.1, AuthorBocci, V1, AuthorGarcia, O. Boente1, AuthorBoettcher, T.1, AuthorBoldyrev, A.1, AuthorBondar, A.1, AuthorBondar, N.1, AuthorBorghi, S.1, AuthorBorisyak, M.1, AuthorBorsato, M.1, AuthorBorsuk, J. T.1, AuthorBowcock V, T. J.1, AuthorBozzi, C.1, AuthorBradley, M. J.1, AuthorBraun, S.1, AuthorRodriguez, A. Brea1, AuthorBrodski, M.1, AuthorBrodzicka, J.1, AuthorGonzalo, A. Brossa1, AuthorBrundu, D.1, AuthorBuchanan, E.1, AuthorBuchler-Germann, A.1, AuthorBuonaura, A.1, AuthorBurr, C.1, AuthorBursche, A.1, AuthorButkevich, A.1, AuthorButter, J. S.1, AuthorBuytaert, J.1, AuthorByczynski, W.1, AuthorCadeddu, S.1, AuthorCai, H.1, AuthorCalabrese, R.1, AuthorDiaz, L. Calero1, AuthorCali, S.1, AuthorCalladine, R.1, AuthorCalvi, M.1, AuthorGomez, M. Calvo1, AuthorMagalhaes, P. Camargo1, AuthorCamboni, A.1, AuthorCampana, P.1, AuthorPerez, D. H. Campora1, AuthorQuezada, A. F. Campoverde1, AuthorCapriotti, L.1, AuthorCarbone, A.1, AuthorCarboni, G.1, AuthorCardinale, R.1, AuthorCardini, A.1, AuthorCarli, I1, AuthorCarniti, P.1, AuthorAkiba, K. Carvalho1, AuthorVidal, A. Casais1, AuthorCasse, G.1, AuthorCattaneo, M.1, AuthorCavallero, G.1, AuthorCelani, S.1, AuthorCenci, R.1, AuthorCerasoli, J.1, AuthorChapman, M. G.1, AuthorCharles, M.1, AuthorCharpentier, Ph1, AuthorChatzikonstantinidis, G.1, AuthorChefdeville, M.1, AuthorChekalina, V1, AuthorChen, C.1, AuthorChen, S.1, AuthorChernov, A.1, AuthorChitic, S-G1, AuthorChobanova, V1, AuthorCholak, S.1, AuthorChrzaszcz, M.1, AuthorChubykin, A.1, AuthorCiambrone, P.1, AuthorCicala, M. F.1, AuthorVidal, X. Cid1, AuthorCiezarek, G.1, AuthorCindolo, F.1, AuthorClarke, P. E. L.1, AuthorClemencic, M.1, AuthorCliff V, H.1, AuthorClosier, J.1, AuthorCobbledick, J. L.1, AuthorCoco, V1, AuthorCoelho, J. A. B.1, AuthorCogan, J.1, AuthorCogneras, E.1, AuthorCojocariu, L.1, AuthorCollins, P.1, AuthorColombo, T.1, AuthorComerma-Montells, A.1, AuthorContu, A.1, AuthorCooke, N.1, AuthorCoombs, G.1, AuthorCoquereau, S.1, AuthorCorti, G.1, AuthorSobral, C. M. Costa1, AuthorCouturier, B.1, AuthorCraik, D. C.1, AuthorCrkovska, J.1, AuthorCrocombe, A.1, AuthorTorres, M. Cruz1, AuthorCurrie, R.1, AuthorSilva, C. L.1, AuthorDall'Occo, E.1, AuthorDalseno, J.1, AuthorD'Ambrosio, C.1, AuthorDanilina, A.1, AuthorD'Argent, P.1, AuthorDavis, A.1, AuthorFrancisco, O. De Aguiar1, AuthorDe Bruyn, K.1, AuthorDe Capua, S.1, AuthorDe Cian, M.1, AuthorDe Miranda, J. M.1, AuthorDe Paula, L.1, AuthorDe Serio, M.1, AuthorDe Simone, P.1, Authorde Vries, J. A.1, AuthorDean, C. T.1, AuthorDean, W.1, AuthorDecamp, D.1, AuthorDel Buono, L.1, AuthorDelaney, B.1, AuthorDembinski, H-P1, AuthorDendek, A.1, AuthorDenysenko, V1, AuthorDerkach, D.1, AuthorDeschamps, O.1, AuthorDesse, F.1, AuthorDettori, F.1, AuthorDey, B.1, AuthorDi Canto, A.1, AuthorDi Nezza, P.1, AuthorDidenko, S.1, AuthorDijkstra, H.1, AuthorDobishuk, V1, AuthorDordei, F.1, AuthorDorigo, M.1, Authordos Reis, A. C.1, AuthorDouglas, L.1, AuthorDovbnya, A.1, AuthorDreimanis, K.1, AuthorDudek, M. W.1, AuthorDufour, L.1, AuthorDujany, G.1, AuthorDurante, P.1, AuthorDurham, J. M.1, AuthorDutta, D.1, AuthorDziewiecki, M.1, AuthorDziurda, A.1, AuthorDzyuba, A.1, AuthorEaso, S.1, AuthorEgede, U.1, AuthorEgorychev, V1, AuthorEidelman, S.1, AuthorEisenhardt, S.1, AuthorEkelhof, R.1, AuthorEk-In, S.1, AuthorEklund, L.1, AuthorEly, S.1, AuthorEne, A.1, AuthorEpple, E.1, AuthorEscher, S.1, AuthorEsen, S.1, AuthorEvans, T.1, AuthorFalabella, A.1, AuthorFan, J.1, AuthorFarley, N.1, AuthorFarry, S.1, AuthorFazzini, D.1, AuthorFedin, P.1, AuthorFeo, M.1, AuthorDeclara, P. Fernandez1, AuthorPrieto, A. Fernandez1, AuthorFerrari, F.1, AuthorLopes, L. Ferreira1, AuthorRodrigues, F. Ferreira1, AuthorSole, S. Ferreres1, AuthorFerrillo, M.1, AuthorFerro-Luzzi, M.1, AuthorFilippov, S.1, AuthorFini, R. A.1, AuthorFiorini, M.1, AuthorFirlej, M.1, AuthorFischer, K. M.1, AuthorFitzpatrick, C.1, AuthorFiutowski, T.1, AuthorFleuret, F.1, AuthorFontana, M.1, AuthorFontanelli, F.1, AuthorForty, R.1, AuthorLima, V. Franco1, AuthorSevilla, M. Franco1, AuthorFrank, M.1, AuthorFrei, C.1, AuthorFriday, D. A.1, AuthorFu, J.1, AuthorFuehring, Q.1, AuthorFunk, W.1, AuthorGabriel, E.1, AuthorTorreira, A. Gallas1, AuthorGalli, D.1, AuthorGallorini, S.1, AuthorGambetta, S.1, AuthorGan, Y.1, AuthorGandelman, M.1, AuthorGandini, P.1, AuthorGao, Y.1, AuthorMartin, L. M. Garcia1, AuthorPlana, B. Garcia1, AuthorRosales, F. A. Garcia1, AuthorGarrido, L.1, AuthorGascon, D.1, AuthorGaspar, C.1, AuthorGerick, D.1, AuthorGersabeck, E.1, AuthorGersabeck, M.1, AuthorGershon, T.1, AuthorGerstel, D.1, AuthorGhez, Ph1, AuthorGibson, V1, AuthorGioventu, A.1, AuthorGirard, O. G.1, AuthorGironell, P. Gironella1, AuthorGiubega, L.1, AuthorGiugliano, C.1, AuthorGizdov, K.1, AuthorGligorov, V. V.1, AuthorGobel, C.1, AuthorGolobardes, E.1, AuthorGolubkov, D.1, AuthorGolutvin, A.1, AuthorGomes, A.1, AuthorGorbounov, P.1, AuthorGorelov V, I.1, AuthorGotti, C.1, AuthorGovorkova, E.1, AuthorGrabowski, J. P.1, AuthorDiaz, R. Graciani1, AuthorGrammatico, T.1, AuthorCardoso, L. A. Granado1, AuthorGrauges, E.1, AuthorGraverini, E.1, AuthorGraziani, G.1, AuthorGrecu, A.1, AuthorGreim, R.1, AuthorGriffith, P.1, AuthorGrillo, L.1, AuthorGruber, L.1, AuthorCazon, B. R. Gruberg1, AuthorGu, C.1, AuthorGushchin, E.1, AuthorGuth, A.1, AuthorGuz, Yu1, AuthorGys, T.1, AuthorGnther, P. A.1, AuthorHadavizadeh, T.1, AuthorHaefeli, G.1, AuthorHaen, C.1, AuthorHaines, S. C.1, AuthorHamilton, P. M.1, AuthorHan, Q.1, AuthorHan, X.1, AuthorHancock, T. H.1, AuthorHansmann-Menzemer, S.1, AuthorHarnew, N.1, AuthorHarrison, T.1, AuthorHart, R.1, AuthorHasse, C.1, AuthorHatch, M.1, AuthorHe, J.1, AuthorHecker, M.1, AuthorHeijhoff, K.1, AuthorHeinicke, K.1, AuthorHennequin, A. M.1, AuthorHennessy, K.1, AuthorHenry, L.1, AuthorHeuel, J.1, AuthorHicheur, A.1, AuthorHill, D.1, AuthorHilton, M.1, AuthorHopchev, P. H.1, AuthorHu, J.1, AuthorHu, W.1, AuthorHuang, W.1, AuthorHulsbergen, W.1, AuthorHumair, T.1, AuthorHunter, R. 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D.1, AuthorKreps, M.1, AuthorKress, F.1, AuthorKretzschmar, S.1, AuthorKrokovny, P.1, AuthorKrupa, W.1, AuthorKrzemien, W.1, AuthorKucewicz, W.1, AuthorKucharczyk, M.1, AuthorKudryavtsev, V1, AuthorKuindersma, H. S.1, AuthorKunde, G. J.1, AuthorKvaratskheliya, T.1, AuthorLacarrere, D.1, AuthorLafferty, G.1, AuthorLai, A.1, AuthorLancierini, D.1, AuthorLane, J. J.1, AuthorLanfranchi, G.1, AuthorLangenbruch, C.1, AuthorLantwin, O.1, AuthorLatham, T.1, AuthorLazzari, F.1, AuthorLazzeroni, C.1, AuthorLe Gac, R.1, AuthorLefevre, R.1, AuthorLeflat, A.1, AuthorLeroy, O.1, AuthorLesiak, T.1, AuthorLeverington, B.1, AuthorLi, H.1, AuthorLi, L.1, AuthorLi, X.1, AuthorLi, Y.1, AuthorLi, Z.1, AuthorLiang, X.1, AuthorLindner, R.1, AuthorLisovskyi, V1, AuthorLiu, G.1, AuthorLiu, X.1, AuthorLoh, D.1, AuthorLoi, A.1, AuthorCastro, J. Lomba1, AuthorLongstaff, I1, AuthorLopes, J. H.1, AuthorLoustau, G.1, AuthorLovell, G. H.1, AuthorLu, Y.1, AuthorLucchesi, D.1, AuthorMartinez, M. Lucio1, AuthorLuo, Y.1, AuthorLupato, A.1, AuthorLuppi, E.1, AuthorLupton, O.1, AuthorLusiani, A.1, AuthorLyu, X.1, AuthorMa, L.1, AuthorMa, R.1, AuthorMaccolini, S.1, AuthorMachefert, F.1, AuthorMaciuc, F.1, AuthorMacko, V1, AuthorMackowiak, P.1, AuthorMaddrell-Mander, S.1, AuthorMohan, L. R. Madhan1, AuthorMaev, O.1, AuthorMaevskiy, A.1, AuthorMaisuzenko, D.1, AuthorMajewski, M. W.1, AuthorMalde, S.1, AuthorMalecki, B.1, AuthorMalinin, A.1, AuthorMaltsev, T.1, AuthorMalygina, H.1, AuthorManca, G.1, AuthorMancinelli, G.1, AuthorEscalero, R. Manera1, AuthorManuzzi, D.1, AuthorMarangotto, D.1, AuthorMaratas, J.1, AuthorMarchand, J. F.1, AuthorMarconi, U.1, AuthorMariani, S.1, AuthorBenito, C. Marin1, AuthorMarinangeli, M.1, AuthorMarino, P.1, AuthorMarks, J.1, AuthorMarshall, P. J.1, AuthorMartellotti, G.1, AuthorMartinazzoli, L.1, AuthorMartinelli, M.1, AuthorSantos, D. Martinez1, AuthorVidal, F. Martinez1, AuthorMassafferri, A.1, AuthorMaterok, M.1, AuthorMatev, R.1, AuthorMathad, A.1, AuthorMathe, Z.1, AuthorMatiunin, V1, AuthorMatteuzzi, C.1, AuthorMattioli, K. R.1, AuthorMauri, A.1, AuthorMaurice, E.1, AuthorMcCann, M.1, AuthorMcconnell, L.1, AuthorMcNab, A.1, AuthorMcNulty, R.1, AuthorMead V, J.1, AuthorMeadows, B.1, AuthorMeaux, C.1, AuthorMeier, G.1, AuthorMeinert, N.1, AuthorMelnychuk, D.1, AuthorMeloni, S.1, AuthorMerk, M.1, AuthorMerli, A.1, AuthorMikhasenko, M.1, AuthorMilanes, D. A.1, AuthorMillard, E.1, AuthorMinard, M-N1, AuthorMineev, O.1, AuthorMinzoni, L.1, AuthorMitchell, S. E.1, AuthorMitreska, B.1, AuthorMitzel, D. S.1, AuthorModden, A.1, AuthorMogini, A.1, AuthorMoise, R. D.1, AuthorMombacher, T.1, AuthorMonroy, I. A.1, AuthorMonteil, S.1, AuthorMorandin, M.1, AuthorMorello, G.1, AuthorMorello, M. J.1, AuthorMoron, J.1, AuthorMorris, A. B.1, AuthorMorris, A. G.1, AuthorMountain, R.1, AuthorMu, H.1, AuthorMuheim, F.1, AuthorMukherjee, M.1, AuthorMulder, M.1, AuthorMueller, D.1, AuthorMueller, K.1, AuthorMurphy, C. H.1, AuthorMurray, D.1, AuthorMuzzetto, P.1, AuthorNaik, P.1, AuthorNakada, T.1, AuthorNandakumar, R.1, AuthorNanut, T.1, AuthorNasteva, I1, AuthorNeedham, M.1, AuthorNeri, N.1, AuthorNeubert, S.1, AuthorNeufeld, N.1, AuthorNewcombe, R.1, AuthorNguyen, T. D.1, AuthorNguyen-Mau, C.1, AuthorNiel, E. M.1, AuthorNieswand, S.1, AuthorNikitin, N.1, AuthorNolte, N. S.1, AuthorNunez, C.1, AuthorOblakowska-Mucha, A.1, AuthorObraztsov, V1, AuthorOgilvy, S.1, AuthorO'Hanlon, D. P.1, AuthorOldeman, R.1, AuthorOnderwater, C. J. G.1, AuthorOsborn, J. D.1, AuthorOssowska, A.1, AuthorGoicochea, J. M. Otalora1, AuthorOvsiannikova, T.1, AuthorOwen, P.1, AuthorOyanguren, A.1, AuthorPais, P. R.1, AuthorPajero, T.1, AuthorPalano, A.1, AuthorPalutan, M.1, AuthorPanshin, G.1, AuthorPapanestis, A.1, AuthorPappagallo, M.1, AuthorPappalardo, L. L.1, AuthorPappenheimer, C.1, AuthorParker, W.1, AuthorParkes, C.1, AuthorPassaleva, G.1, AuthorPastore, A.1, AuthorPatel, M.1, AuthorPatrignani, C.1, AuthorPearce, A.1, AuthorPellegrino, A.1, AuthorAltarelli, M. Pepe1, AuthorPerazzini, S.1, AuthorPereima, D.1, AuthorPerret, P.1, AuthorPescatore, L.1, AuthorPetridis, K.1, AuthorPetrolini, A.1, AuthorPetrov, A.1, AuthorPetrucci, S.1, AuthorPetruzzo, M.1, AuthorPietrzyk, B.1, AuthorPietrzyk, G.1, AuthorPili, M.1, AuthorPinci, D.1, AuthorPinzino, J.1, AuthorPisani, F.1, AuthorPiucci, A.1, AuthorPlacinta, V1, AuthorPlayfer, S.1, AuthorPlews, J.1, AuthorCasasus, M. Plo1, AuthorPolci, F.1, AuthorLener, M. Poli1, AuthorPoliakova, M.1, AuthorPoluektov, A.1, AuthorPolukhina, N.1, AuthorPolyakov, I1, AuthorPolycarpo, E.1, AuthorPomery, G. J.1, AuthorPonce, S.1, AuthorPopov, A.1, AuthorPopov, D.1, AuthorPoslavskii, S.1, AuthorPrasanth, K.1, AuthorPromberger, L.1, AuthorProuve, C.1, AuthorPugatch, V1, AuthorNavarro, A. Puig1, AuthorPullen, H.1, AuthorPunzi, G.1, AuthorQian, W.1, AuthorQin, J.1, AuthorQuagliani, R.1, AuthorQuintana, B.1, AuthorRaab V, N.1, AuthorTrejo, R. I. Rabadan1, AuthorRachwal, B.1, AuthorRademacker, J. H.1, AuthorRama, M.1, AuthorPernas, M. Ramos1, AuthorRangel, M. S.1, AuthorRatnikov, F.1, AuthorRaven, G.1, AuthorReboud, M.1, AuthorRedi, F.1, AuthorReiss, F.1, AuthorAlepuz, C. Remon1, AuthorRen, Z.1, AuthorRenaudin, V1, AuthorRicciardi, S.1, AuthorRichards, D. S.1, AuthorRichards, S.1, AuthorRinnert, K.1, AuthorRobbe, P.1, AuthorRobert, A.1, AuthorRodrigues, A. B.1, AuthorRodrigues, E.1, AuthorLopez, J. A. Rodriguez1, AuthorRoehrken, M.1, AuthorRoiser, S.1, AuthorRollings, A.1, AuthorRomanovskiy, V1, AuthorLamas, M. Romero1, AuthorVidal, A. Romero1, AuthorRoth, J. D.1, AuthorRotondo, M.1, AuthorRudolph, M. S.1, AuthorRuf, T.1, AuthorVidal, J. Ruiz1, AuthorRyzhikov, A.1, AuthorRyzka, J.1, AuthorSilva, J. J. Saborido1, AuthorSagidova, N.1, AuthorSahoo, N.1, AuthorSaitta, B.1, AuthorGras, C. Sanchez1, AuthorMayordomo, C. Sanchez1, AuthorSantacesaria, R.1, AuthorRios, C. Santamarina1, AuthorSantimaria, M.1, AuthorSantovetti, E.1, AuthorSarpis, G.1, AuthorSarti, A.1, AuthorSatriano, C.1, AuthorSatta, A.1, AuthorSaur, M.1, AuthorSavrina, D.1, AuthorSmead, L. G. Scantlebury1, AuthorSchael, S.1, AuthorSchellenberg, M.1, AuthorSchiller, M.1, AuthorSchindler, H.1, AuthorSchmelling, M.2, Author           Schmelzer, T.1, AuthorSchmidt, B.1, AuthorSchneider, O.1, AuthorSchopper, A.1, AuthorSchreiner, H. F.1, AuthorSchubiger, M.1, AuthorSchulte, S.1, AuthorSchune, M. H.1, AuthorSchwemmer, R.1, AuthorSciascia, B.1, AuthorSciubba, A.1, AuthorSellam, S.1, AuthorSemennikov, A.1, AuthorSergi, A.1, AuthorSerra, N.1, AuthorSerrano, J.1, AuthorSestini, L.1, AuthorSeuthe, A.1, AuthorSeyfert, P.1, AuthorShangase, D. 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2Division Prof. Dr. James A. Hinton, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_2074298              


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 MPINP: LHCb - Abteilung Hinton
 Abstract: The shape of the B-s(0) -> D-s*mu(+)nu(mu) differential decay rate is obtained as a function of the hadron recoil parameter using proton-proton collision data at a centreof-mass energy of 13TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.7 fb(-1) collected by the LHCb detector. The B-s(0) -> D-s*(-)mu(+)nu(mu) decay is reconstructed through the decays D-s*(-) up arrow D-s(-) gamma and D-s(-) -> K-K+pi(-). The differential decay rate is fitted with the CapriniLellouch-Neubert (CLN) and Boyd-Grinstein-Lebed (BGL) parametrisations of the form factors, and the relevant quantities for both are extracted.


 Dates: 2020-12
 Publication Status: Published online
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 Rev. Type: -
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1007/JHEP12(2020)144
 Degree: -



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Title: Journal of high energy physics : JHEP
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: Bologna, Italy : Società italiana di fisica
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 2020 (12) Sequence Number: 144 Start / End Page: - Identifier: ISSN: 1126-6708
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/111021927548002