We study the triple-differential cross section (TDCS) for the electron-impact ionization of the highest occupied molecular orbital of tetrahydrofuran at a projectile energy E-0 = 91 eV. The experimental data were measured using a reaction microscope, which covers a large part of the full solid angle for the secondary electron emission with energies ranging from 6 to 15 eV, and projectile scattering angles ranging from -10 degrees to -20 degrees. The experimental TDCSs are internormalized across all measured scattering angles and ejected energies. They are compared with predictions from the multicenter distorted-wave (MCDW) approximation and a modified MCDW-Nee method which includes the postcollision interaction (PCI) using the Ward-Macek factor. Additional calculations were obtained using a molecular three-body distorted-wave (M3DW) approach which accounts for PCI in an exact treatment. Generally, the MCDW-Nee and M3DW models show better agreement with experiment than the MCDW calculations. This shows the importance of accounting for PCI for low-energy outgoing electrons in electron-impact ionization processes.