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Quantum Physics, Condensed Matter, Statistical Mechanics, High Energy Physics - Theory, Mathematical Physics, Mathematics
In the presence of a conserved quantity, symmetry-resolved entanglement
entropies are a refinement of the usual notion of entanglement entropy of a
subsystem. For critical 1d quantum systems, it was recently shown in various
contexts that these quantities generally obey entropy equipartition in the
scaling limit, i.e. they become independent of the symmetry sector.
In this paper, we examine the finite-size corrections to the entropy
equipartition phenomenon, and show that the nature of the symmetry group plays
a crucial role. In the case of a discrete symmetry group, the corrections decay
algebraically with system size, with exponents related to the operators'
scaling dimensions. In contrast, in the case of a U(1) symmetry group, the
corrections only decay logarithmically with system size, with model-dependent
prefactors. We show that the determination of these prefactors boils down to
the computation of twisted overlaps.