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  Structural, electronic and optical properties of two-dimensional Janus transition metal oxides MXO (M = Ti, Hf and Zr; X = S and Se) for photovoltaic and opto-electronic applications

Haman, Z., Kibbou, M., Bouziani, I., Benhouria, Y., Essaoudi, I., Ainane, A., et al. (2021). Structural, electronic and optical properties of two-dimensional Janus transition metal oxides MXO (M = Ti, Hf and Zr; X = S and Se) for photovoltaic and opto-electronic applications. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 604: 412621. doi:10.1016/j.physb.2020.412621.

Item is

Basisdaten (Verworfen)

Datum des Verwerfens: 2021-06-10
Kommentar: Dublette
Haman, Z.1
Kibbou, M.1
Bouziani, I1
Benhouria, Y.1
Essaoudi, I1
Ainane, Abdelmajid2           
Ahuja, R.1
1external, ou_persistent22              
2Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Max Planck Society, ou_2117288              
 Datum: 2020-11-192021-03-01
Dateien: 0 Dateien
Externe Referenzen: 0 ext. Referenzen
Versions ID: item_3292347_1
Status des Datensatzes: Verworfen
Name des Kontextes: Publications of the MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems, Zugehörig zu: Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems