Electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) investigations were carried out on samples of the low-pH (lpH) form of vertebrate sulfite oxidase (SO) prepared with 35Cl- and 37Cl-enriched buffers, as well as with buffer containing the natural abundance of Cl isotopes. The isotope-related changes observed in the ESEEM spectra provide direct and unequivocal evidence that Cl− is located in close proximity to the Mo(V) center of lpH SO. The measured isotropic hyperfine interaction constant of about 4 MHz (35Cl) suggests that the Cl− ion is either weakly coordinated to Mo(V) at its otherwise vacant axial position, trans to the oxo ligand, or is hydrogen-bonded to the equatorial exchangeable OH ligand. Scalar relativistic all-electron density functional theory (DFT) calculations of the hyperfine and nuclear quadrupole interaction parameters, along with steric and energetic arguments, strongly support the possibility that Cl− is hydrogen-bonded to the equatorial OH ligand rather than being directly coordinated to the Mo(V).