Isolated gastric gland; Parietal cells; Cell membrane potentials; Chloride substitution
Individual glands of rabbit gastric mucosa were prepared for measurements of cell membrane potentials. In the first experiments a collagenase isolation technique was used which produced gland fragments that were fixed on agarose. In later experiments a microdissection technique was used which allowed whole glands to be isolated that were held in suction pipettes. Individual parietal or chief cells could be recognized and impaled with microelectrodes, however, the yield of reliable recordings was small and the distinction from artifacts sometimes difficult. In acceptable recordings the membrane potentials of both cell types varied between around -20 and -35 mV or exceptionally -50 mV in both preparations, with mean values being around -26 mV. The significance of the recordings was tested by ion substitution experiments. Substitution of all chloride by sulfate increased the membrane potential to values ranging up to -60 and -80 mV that are commonly observed in other cells.