Crystal growth, Saturation magnetization, Strontium compounds, Ferromagnetic magnetization, Hexagonal cells, Hexagonal perovskite, Hexagonal structures, Layer sequence, Saturation moment, Structural and magnetic properties, Perovskite
Single crystals of a new twinned hexagonal perovskite compound Sr8Os6.3O24 have been synthesized, and structural and magnetic properties have been determined. The compound crystallizes in a hexagonal cell with lattice parameters a = 9.6988(3) Å and c = 18.1657(5) Å. The structure is an eight-layered hexagonal B-site deficient perovskite with the layer sequence (ccch)2 and represents the first example of a hexagonal structure among 5d oxides adopting a twin option. The sample shows spontaneous ferromagnetic magnetization below 430 K with a small saturation moment of 0.11 μB/Os ion. This is the highest Curie temperature (TC) reported for any bulk perovskite containing only 5d ions at the B site. ©