General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology, gr-qc
We present a computationally efficient (time-domain) multipolar waveform
model for quasi-circular spin-aligned compact binary coalescences. The model
combines the advantages of the numerical-relativity informed,
effective-one-body (EOB) family of models with a post-adiabatic solution of the
equations of motion for the inspiral part of the two-body dynamics. We
benchmark this model against other state-of-the-art waveforms in terms of
efficiency and accuracy. We find a speed-up of one to two orders of magnitude
compared to the underlying time-domain EOB model for the total mass range $2 -
100 M_{\odot}$. More specifically, for a low total-mass system, such as a
binary neutron star with equal masses of $1.4 M_{\odot}$, like GW170817, the
computational speedup is around 100 times; for an event with total mass $\sim
40 M_\odot$ and mass ratio $\sim 3$, like GW190412, the speedup is by a factor
of $\sim 20$, while for a binary system of comparable masses and total mass of
$\sim 70 M_{\odot}$, like GW150914, it is by a factor of $\sim 10$. We
demonstrate that the new model is extremely faithful to the underlying EOB
model with unfaithfulness less than $0.01\%$ across the entire applicable
region of parameter space. Finally, we present successful applications of this
new waveform model to parameter estimation studies and tests of general