Pancreas; Chloride Secretion; Bicarbonate Secretion; Secretion; Pancreozymin; Electrical Potential Difference
Micropuncture and microperfusion experiments were performed at the exposed pancreas of rabbits. In the free-flow samples Cl− concentration was determined, while in the stopped flow microperfusion samples the dilution of a plasma sample injected into the duct lumen was determined by measuring the change of Cl− and labeled inulin concentrations. Following results were obtained: 1. Within 3–6 min a plasma sample injected into interlobar ducts of unstimulated glands increased in volume by a factor of 1.15 by the admixture of secreted fluid. The corresponding Cl− concentration in the secreted fluid was in the mean 107 meq/l. After secretin stimulation the volume increased 2.33 fold and the mean Cl− concentration of the secreted fluid was 52 meq/l. 2. A higher Cl− concentration was measured along the entire duct under free-flow conditions during winter than during sommer. In each of both experimental series the Cl− concentration decreased along the entire duct system when the gland was stimulated, but increased in the unstimulated gland. 3. The Cl− concentration in samples obtained from the acini (probably from the centroacinar and adjacent intralobular duct) remained unchanged after secretin stimulation, while it decreased in the mean by 17 meq/l after pancreozymin stimulation. 4. Transtubular potential differences in all duct segments ranged between 2 and 6 mV (lumen negative).
From the results in can be concluded that bicarbonate and water are secreted within the entire duct system. The Cl− concentration in the secreted fluid decreases and the HCO3− and Cl− occurs in the ducts at small flow rates. Secretin does not change HCO3− concentration in the duct segments near the acini but that of more distal duct segments. A different, season dependent factor, influences the level of the Cl− and HCO3− concentrations of the pancreas. Measurements of potential differences support the hypothesis that ductular secretion consists of an active HCO3− transport in addition to active Na+ transport postulated by others.